Jughead and Jellybean Fanfiction (POV as Jughead)

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Jellybean has been on your mind lately and you doubt that mom will agree to travel back home to Riverdale any time soon so you decide to call her.

"Hello?" Jellybean picks up the phone answering your call. She sounds so young and innocent from your end of the line.

"Hey Jellybean, it's me" you calmly respond smiling to yourself.

"Jughead! I miss you so much" her voice goes from an excitement to a longing to be reunited with her brother.

"I miss you more" you tease.

"Na-uh, I miss you way more" Jellybean argues back.

"Oh yeah? Prove it" you playfully say while looking around the trailer to make sure your dad hasn't come home yet.

"I know your favorite color is black. I know you are wearing your beanie right now. And... umm... let's see..... Oh yeah! You love to watch old movies" she responds confidently.

"Alright Jellybean, you got me. I suppose you win." You laugh.

"Good. So how are you?" Jellybean asks sweetly.

"I'm ok. I'd be better if I was with you and mom, but I'm hanging in there" you respond honestly.

"Are things not good with dad?"

"No, things are better with dad. He's now sober and has a job.... I just miss the four of us being together" your voice trails off and then you quickly add, "How are things with you and mama Jones?"

Jellybean sighs and responds, "Ok. People are nice in Toledo to be honest. I've made friends, am doing well in school, and joined the art club at school"

"Sounds like you're doing well. How about mom?"

"She's been studying for her GED exam while helping out at my school" Jellybean answers cautiously knowing mom never was around at your school functions.

"That's good. It sounds like things are ..." you pause hearing the door to the trailer open up. The last thing you want is for your dad to hear this conversation and put his two sense in.

"What?" Jellybean asks.

"I'm glad things are going well." You say and move further into the kitchen away from the door and now whisper into the phone, "look he just came home. I'll try to call you later"

"Got it. Bye Jughead" Jellybean says knowingly.

"Bye" you hang up.


"Who was that Jug?" Your dad asks walking in to join you in the kitchen.

"It was Archie" you lie.

Your dad nods and then sits down and yawns.

"Long day at work?" You ask making him a coffee.

"Yes sir. But I gotta own it son. Having a job is progress"

"Yeah, I mean you're now a man with a job as opposed to just... a man" you laugh to yourself.

Your dad smiles tiredly at you and accepts the mug of coffee you hand him.

"Jughead, are you still writing your novel?" Your dad asks taking a sip of the coffee.

You stare at him for a moment surprised that he is showing you this much attention and then snap out of it to say, "Yeah, I am. I write everyday."

"Good. Keep that up boy. If there's one quality you have that I could never have given you, it's your creativity. Keep that imagination of yours alive" he sincerely says.

"Mhmm, I will" you nod.

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