Jughead in the Hospital Fanfiction (POV as Jughead)

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You blink several times lying down on your hospital bed, not realizing for a few moments where you are. You begin to reach your hands up to your face and feel the many cuts and bruises that have formed, and groan in pain.

Your father must have heard you because he slowly walks over to your white hospital bed, "Jug" he smiles and lets out a huge sigh of relief, "you're awake"

You look at him confused, "Dad" you barely whisper, "what happened?.... why am I here?"

He looks at you worried and takes a seat on your bed, "You don't remember boy?"

You stare at him blankly and suddenly notice the tubes in each of your nostrils. This scares you and you concentrate more on what your dad is about to relay.

"Son, you apparently made a deal with Hiram Lodge to sacrifice yourself to protect the serpents from a blood bath with the Ghoulies" your dad's voice shakes and he looks up at the ceiling to gather his thoughts, "What you did.... was selfless... and because of that...." his voice trails off.

"What?" You ask with wide eyes, "I need to know what happened" you plead.

"We almost lost you boy! The Ghoulies and freaking Penny Peabody were this close" he moves his thumb and pointer finger together, "to finishing you off!"

You can't believe it! You can't help but wonder why the Ghoulies would even go that far to hurt a kid. Then again you aren't just any kid, you are FP Jone's serpent kid. Things begin to make more sense and your memory becomes less fuzzy.

"Dad" you begin to sob quietly, "I'm so sorry" you wipe your eyes.

"Sorry?" FP shouts and then lowers his voice, "if anyone should be sorry it's me.... I let things get to this point, and that won't happen again Jug" he pats your cheek and quickly pulls away seeing you wince in pain.

You sigh and close your eyes. You slowly drift back to sleep and can't help but wonder what other injuries you sustained besides your beat up face.


"" there is a nock on the door from one of the nurses, "Are you feeling up for visitors?"

You wake up and look to see your dad sleeping on the chair in the corner, and then look at the nurse, "Sure, I don't have anywhere else to be at the moment" you respond sarcastically.

The nurse smiles sweetly and looks at the visitor, "he is awake and gave the ok for visitors. You can come in dear"

You close your eyes and are awakened by a familiar kiss on your cheek. You open your eyes and smile for the first time since coming to the hospital.

"Betty! I don't think you realize how happy I am to see you" you gush over her and can't stop staring at her.

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