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it's snowing hard in my town tonight
without a pause or a chance to sleep
and i can't rest, i cannot relax
not for an hour, for a minute, for a second.
all is see is your blurry face beside me
and all i hear is the endless "i love you's"
that used to escape your lips.
it's getting harder to fall asleep each night
as if i'm a newborn who needs his mother's arms around him, as if i'm a caged bird that craves to melt
into the blue skies. it's getting harder and tougher and rougher and i can't convince my mind to stop thinking, to let my eyelids close and fall asleep. i look out of the window and hear the singing birds, i see the bees, the trees, the sun that shines brightly on people's faces, the blue skies and the blooming flowers, but
it is snowing so hard today, so hard that i can barley hear my own voice,
so hard that everything else fades away.

dandelion in a storm Where stories live. Discover now