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i'm afraid you'll forget me. forget the way we met, forget those long late conversations we used to have. and i'm afraid you'll meet someone else and forget the sound of my voice and forget how much i loved yours.
i am so deadly afraid i'll turn into another memory in your mind - into dust, into something that you wish you could erase and never remember again. i'm afraid because i know that regardless of where life takes me, regardless of the struggles i'm going to face,  regardless of all the people i'm going to fall in love with, share my bed with, gift my heart to - it is you i will never forget. because it is impossible to forget your first love, but also because there's no one in the world as dear and special as you are to me. so please, don't ever forget about me.
remember that there was a time when we were happy together, a time when you and i used to talk on the phone for hours because we couldn't let go of each other. and remember me. remember my skin color, the shape of lips, the sound of voice, the strength of my love. remember me and never forget that i was there with you. i was there and i loved you. and regardless of all the people i'm going to fall in love with - there will never, ever, be another you. so don't forget me. and don't forget that i existed in your life. don't forget me because i will never be able to forget you.

dandelion in a storm Where stories live. Discover now