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we were two puzzle pieces that weren't meant to connect. we were two strangers passing by, two people to stop and chat for a minute or two.
we were lost people, people who looked for something without knowing what they were looking for exactly, only to understand that we're both are the opposite of what we really wanted. but we still loved each other. we loved so truly and purely that there was no hesitation in our love - only a weak voice somewhere in the back of our minds, yelling at us to wake up before it's too late.
and we weren't meant to be. we weren't meant to be just as a human's body isn't meant to live forever and just as the rain isn't meant to rain 365 days of the year. we weren't meant to be even though we tried so hard to convince ourselves and all the other people around us that we were.
we were as different as hot and cold, as rain and sunshine, as two people who spoke completely different languages.
as two puzzle pieces that weren't meant to connect. as two puzzle pieces that will never connect, regardless of how much we wanted them to.

dandelion in a storm Where stories live. Discover now