Chapter 17 (FINAL CHAPTER)

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yes, you have read it right, this is the FINAL CHAPTER OF GOING INZAYN!!

*insert happy dance here*

but yeah, its taken so freaking long to write this because of this turd muffin called writers block. but i hope you like the final chapter to some degree.



I think you guys can figure out where that kiss lead to. No, nothing that required us to be stripped down (unfortunatly), but now he and I were cuddled up in my bed, watching funny animals on YouTube. Nialler had the most adorable little laugh. It sounded almost like a little kids, so light and happy and it made you want to hear more of it. His head was on my chest, and I could smell his sweet green apple-scented hair as it filled my nose.

"Look at this! How are cats that flexible?" Niall asked, looking up at me. His bright blue eyes were so happy and cute. The temptation to kiss him arose in me, and I leaned into his soft Irish lips. He was stiff for a second, a bit suprised, but slowly gave into me and kissed me back. Our lips moved in sync, our kiss slowly growing more and more passionet and hungry. My fingers traced their way around his waist and pulled him closer to me. Niall moved the laptop off of our laps and looped his thin arms around my neck.

"Not yet," Niall breathed, seperating from me for a split second. I imidiantly stopped and realized what I was about to do to my inocent little leprichaun.

"I'm sorry Nialler," I whispered, letting him go. Niall kept his arms around my neck and layed down slightly on my chest. My face was burning from embarassment.

"It's alright. I want it to, just... I want to be sure this is for us. I want to be sure we both want this more than anything before we go that far, okay?" Niall explained. I nodded and sank back into my pillow.

"And our friendship. We don't want that to end up all wierd," I added. He smiled and kissed my neck, laying his head on my shoulder. "Are you still tired?" I asked, kind of suprised.

"Very. Will you stay in here with me Zaynie?" he asked, sleepiness thick in his voice.

"Of coarse Ni. Go to sleep," I said. Niall was quiet at first, then I heard light snores coming from my Niall. My Niall. I never thought I would say that. I never thought Niall would want me like that, or that I would want Niall like that. I never realized how much I wanted and needed Niall before I kissed him.

"I knew it!" Saith's voice yelled. I jumped slightly, but not enough to wake up Niall. I turned to see Saith and Gabe sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. Gabe had her hair curled like Ronnie normally did and was wearing gray Victoria's Secret sweatpants and a white and pink-striped tank top. Saith was wearing a white v-neck and some faded jeans with black converse.

"Knew what?" I asked, turning to the figments of my imagination.

"That you wanted Niall."

"Duh," Gabe added. I rolled my eyes in her direction.

"Yeah, I did, so?" Gabe and Saith looked at eachother and shared a smile. I think that was the first time they looked at eachother without wanting to choke the life from eachother. "When did you two start getting along?"

"Since you needed some alone time," Saith answered, a little sadness in his voice.

"Look, I'm really sorry about that. I just needed some time to think and clear my head."

"Zaynie? Who are you talking to?" Niall asked, accent thick with grogginess.

"It's just Gabe and Saith sweetheart, go back to sleep," I whispered, petting his fluffy blonde hair the way he loves. He slowly relaxed into me and let out a light snore. I smiled and layed my head on his fluffy hair.

"Well, we'll leave you be," Saith said, standing up. He took Gabe's hand an pulled her to her bare feet. Saith snuck me a smile as he and Gabe left the room. I smiled and kissed my sleeping Niall on the forehead, glad I could have lived this experience with the best thing that ever happened to me.


so, how was that ending? let me know in this little area called le comments section. i would love to hear your feedback.

not as good as the taking the wrong direction ending, but i guess the ending wasn't that bad.

Louimic will be posted on October 6th, maybe before if youre lucky.

wash your dog, make a sandwitch, and turn into a mermaid

~Embrina R. H. out. PINA COLADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Going InZayn [SEQUAL TO TAKING THE WRONG DIRECTION]Where stories live. Discover now