part 10

522 16 3

"I'm fucked in the head and my mind is turning into a whore"

Annas' pov

This whole thing is crazy. I feel like an absolute idiot for not knowing what was happening. We knew almost nothing about each other, like the fact he can speak French!

This morning events made me feel happy, even though I didn't know what he said, it brought me joy. His voice and actions made me mentally yell inside with excitement. Kyle was sweet but dangerous, his face and voice its self could cause disasters.

I sat in my office in complete silence. The slightest movement echoed throughout the whole room. I heard light knocks at my door making me get up and open it

"Doctor Mills, you have a visitor" Heather said smiling. She was a nurse that worked in a few wards. Before I could reply, she walks off down the empty halls

Visitors? who would be visiting me now?

I take my self a couple floors down to the visitor lounge. I said a few hello's and hi's along the way. I slowly walked in the room and started looking around

"Anna" I squeal as he rests his hands on my waist

"Kyle don't do that!" I narrow my eyes at him hitting his rock hard chest

"Im sorry" He smiles at me.

"It's fine, want to talk in my office?" I cross my arms

"Yeah, seems better" I nod and walk him towards the elevator. We stood silently close enough making our hands brush. I feel heat rushing to my cheeks as he hooks his fingers with mine gently.

He smiles at me as the elevator door open, he drags me into the elevator bringing me close to him. I have no idea what I am doing right now. His arms wrapped around my waist making our chests touch. I looked up to meet his beautiful face

"I don't care how hard being together is, nothing is worse than being apart" He whispers before pecking my nose.

My heart melted as I hugged him tighter, his embrace was warm and needy. I hear the ding of the elevator, I turn around and drag him through the hall. I noticed our hands were still inter-locked the whole time. I quickly yanked my lanyard off my neck that had my keys and id hanging off it and opened the door.

I quietly shut the door and watched him walk around my office room, looking at all the pictures that were displayed

"Don't you have work to do Kyle?" I asked moving towards my chair

"No I don't, my work does not come before my wife" He emphasizes wife with a smirk before continuing to look around again. My breathing starts to quicken as he said wife, I better get used to it

"Then what do you need Kyle" I watch him closely

"This marriage is legal. if we separate, it will go through the same process as a normal divorce. It will show on our records and everything. What I am saying is that we should try, try to make this marriage work. My reputation is just as important as yours. I haven't told my parents about this and I doubt you have either. We should just make up a story on how we met and why we kept it a secret I suppose" He leaned against the table, arms crossed. I took a deep breath before nodding

"I'll talk to my parents tomorrow"  I knew I didn't have work tomorrow so it was safe

"Okay, I have to go now, goodbye Mrs Williams" He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear before placing a soft kiss on my chapped lips.

The door opened slowly making me jump back a few inches

"Doctor Mills, the patient in room 338 ward D needs his check up" Heather looks over to Kyle

"Okay, i'll get to it" I whisper

"Who's this Anna?" She winks at me

"Um this is Kyle my uh" I stutter looking at Kyle giving him pleading for him to help me

"Husband" He moves over to her shaking her hand. Her eyes were wide in surprise

"Anna, you never told me you were married!" She hugs me and grabbed my left hand. She awwed

"It never came up I suppose" I smile at her, slowly pulling my hand back

"I have to go now, goodbye Anna, Kyle" She closes the door, hearing her foot steps go down the hall

"What time does your shift end?" Kyle asks running his hands through his gorgeous hair

"Um in a few hours" I didn't look at him, not even a glance

"Come by my office once your done, I want you at mine tonight" He sat quietly on the couch

"I'll come by but i'm not sure about me staying at yours" I fiddled with my fingers, they sure were interesting at a time like this

"And whys that?" He stands up placing his hands on his waist, showing off his obvious muscular arms

I didn't reply. I didn't reply because I didn't really know why I didn't want to

"I'll see you sooner than later Sweetheart" He places a quick kiss on my forehead before walking out of the door. I sigh grabbing my clip board and rushing out the door, locking it.

"Mr Adams, you'll be fine. If you have any problems please tell us. It doesn't make our job easier if you don't tell us" I give the elderly man a fake smile before proceeding to write my observations

"This place is repulsive!" The man exclaimed

"Listen Mr Adams, unfortunately you are stuck here for a long time" I pour him another water, put a straw into the plastic cup and hand it over to him

"What's that?" He asks, looking at me

"Water" I urge the cup forward

"Do you know what thirsty means woman? Beer, get me a beer" He rolls his eyes, I start to laugh slightly

"Go on, drink it up" He grabs the cup and sips it up slowly

"Good man"

"Yeah yeah" God what a prick

I grab the clip board and walk out. After Kyle left I had 5 other patients to check up. Pain in the arse that was.

My shift ends in 10 minutes, I went to grab my belongings from my office and drove to WalkWill Enterprises.

I walk into the lobby still dressed in my work clothing that consisted of my white coat, light blue uniform and my stethoscope that was wrapped around my neck. It was a s.hitty decision because I was now creating unwanted attention. I walked up to the administration office

"Hi, how can I help?" The woman behind the counter was different to the other one I met before, she was young, beautiful and blonde

"Hi, I'm here to see Kyle Williams" I smile sweetly

"And you are?" She gives me b.itchy smile. What the f.uck is up peoples' arses today! I smile sarcastically before replying

"Anna Williams"

"I'm sure" She mutters grabbing the phone beside her

"Mr Williams, I have a person here to see you, by the name of Anna Williams" She rolls her eyes, putting the phone down.

"Here, I'm sure you know where to go Miss Williams" She gives me the visitor pass rudely

"Its Mrs Williams thanks" I cock my head slightly and smirked at her before walking off

What a b.itch!


i'd like to say thank you so much for voting in the last chapter! highest amount of votes i've had during these 10 chapters! please keep it it up! helps me keep motivated!


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