Part 11

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-I was there for you in your darkest times, I was there for you in your darkest nights but I wonder where were you when I was at my worst?-

[Annas' outfit she wears out in the side bar]


Kyle P.O.V

Curse the person whoever created alarm clocks! yet here I was laying in bed with my arms wrapped around my wife like vine. We fit together like puzzle pieces, my legs rested on hers, her head was in the nape of my neck pressing our chests together. It was perfect.

"Kyle stop staring at me, I can feel you burning holes through my head" I wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning. Her eyes opened and she smiled, digging her face into my neck, my fingers automatically run through her silky smooth hair, pushing access hair our of her face. she smelt like vanilla and milk body wash.

I smiled and pulled her closer. I closed my eyes for a second before hearing my phone go off. I groan and lightly shifted Anna off my arm and neck reaching beside me and grabbing my phone

[K] What?

[G] Young man that is no way to talk to your father

[K] Dad? did you need anything?

[G] No, just because I called you doesn't mean I necessarily want anything from you. Your mother made me call to tell you that we are having a dinner tonight and we want you to come.

[K] yeah, i'll be there, send mother my love

We said our byes and I hung up. I look beside me to see Anna grinning at me as she watched with fascination

"What do you say about meeting my parents?" Her eyes widened and nodded, I let her get ready and decided to make some coffee.

I heard the shower tap turn off 5 minutes after. I sat down at the dinner table sipping my coffee while reading my news paper like always. I heard her footsteps come closer, I dropped my paper down and almost spat my coffee out. I started coughing trying to get air into my lungs

"What the f.uck are you wearing?!" I wipe my mouth

"Clothes" She rolled her eyes pouring her coffee. She was wearing a lace crop top with ripped jeans

"Change" I say drinking my coffee once again

"What?" She puts her coffee down

"Change, you are not leaving this house looking like that, do you realize how much men will be staring at you?" She glared at me before walking off

"You'll be fine sweetheart" I say grabbing her hand, interlocking them as we walked through the gate of my parents house. I could sense that she was scared, I looked at her watching as her left hand fiddled with the ends of her t-shirt. I noticed she still had her ring on, It sparkled as the blazing sun hit the unique shaped diamonds.

My ring was different but I liked it. I wrapped my arm around Annas' waist as we reached the door. I turn to look at her

"Ready?" I smirk at the beautiful woman beside me

"Never" She gulped. I smiled and knocked on the door. Not a few seconds later the door opened

"Kyle!!!" My Mum hugged me kissing my face repetitively

"Mum, it's been a while since I last saw you"

"I know my boy!" She smiled showing her straight white teeth. She turned her head to face Anna

"Now who's this?" She beamed

"Mum, I have something to tell you" I tightened my grip on Annas' hand

"Go on child, I don't have all day" She crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently

"This is Anna, My wife" Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. She embraced Anna, squealing. Anna kindly hugged her back

"Why didn't you tell us sooner you t.wat!" She hit me at the back of my head, still smiling like crazy

"George! Come here! George you grumpy old man, come here!" Mum yelled across the house

"What is it Caroline, you miserable old woman" He walked inside the room arms crossed clearly annoyed

"Kyle here has news" She squealing holding dads' arm

"This is Anna my wife" I watch his facial expression

"Are you serious?" He shook his wifes' hand off his arm

"100% serious" I pulled Anna closer as dad took a step closer

"Um welcome to marriage life, where you'll never get freedom again, your blood pressure will increase dramatically and you''ll never ever win an argument. Trust me son" He grumbled shaking my hand then walking out... well then

"I'm sorry dear, he's just shocked that his older boy is married" mum says to Anna

"Its fine" she smiles back

"I forgot to introduce my self, My name is Caroline and that was my husband George" Caroline pulled Anna into another embrace

"Nice to meet you" Anna says nicely

"Dinner is ready feel free to come through, Try not to lay each other across the tables" Mum smirks leaving. My eyes widened letting out a laugh

"Kyle!" she slaps her hand over her mouth. I forgot how innocent she was.

"Let's go before they say more false accusations" I smirk, kissing her nose and pulling her through the house.


-L xx

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