Angel Pants [2]

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"Babe? Do you have everything packed? Are we ready to go?" Waverly made her way into the kitchen with her bags packed and neatly organized by the door, ready for her adventure. Meanwhile, Nicole, who is usually on par with Waverly's preparation skills, was running around the homestead house, shoving various items into her bag, desperately trying to keep Waverly from waiting.

She was muttering random commands to herself such as picking the right bathing suits, grabbing the right attire for the many nights out that she was sure Waverly had planned for the both of them, and always making sure she knew to pack her badge just in case. As Nicole is scrambling down the stairs, she turned back around to get one more thing. She couldn't forget her hat. Waverly loved when she wore a baseball cap, especially backwards.

"Alright, I'm ready to get my beach on." Nicole was downstairs, surprisingly in one piece. Waverly was seated at the kitchen table, patiently waiting and always with that big smile plastered on her face. She looked at Nicole with love and excitement in her eyes. She'd never actually left Purgatory and she was happy to leave with the love of her life.

"You're sure you have everything you need? Bathing suit, clothes for our nights out that I have planned for us, a hat maybe? You know how much I love that hat."

"Yes honey. I have everything I need. As long as I've got you, I'll be just fine." Nicole grinned softly. She knew how much Waverly loved it when she got mushy with her. Champ had never done that. Every time Waves heard Nicole talk to her like this, it was like taking a deep breath of fresh air.

Wynonna tore down the driveway in her faded blue pickup truck, the tires spitting up dirt into the air. Waverly knew Wynonna wouldn't be the most ecstatic about her leaving and even though she wouldn't say it, she was going to miss Nicole too.

"Ok lovebirds. Ready to go? Let's pack this shit up and get going. I'd hate for you to miss your flight." Wynonna shot the pair her classic mischievous smirk, she was seemingly up to no good.

On the way to Limbo International Airport in the next town over, Waverly felt unsteady about leaving Wynonna alone. She was always up to something, that troublemaker.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay alone for the next few days?"

"Of course, little sis. I'm not going to do anything stupid" Waverly shot her a look insinuating that she didn't believe her older up-to-no-good sister, "Waverly. I promise. Someone has to step up now that you two are leaving."

Nicole chimed in, "Wynonna, we're only gone for 5 days. You can't possibly get into thatmuch trouble in such a short amount of time." Waverly jabbed her elbow into Nicole's side and looked at her reassuring her that it would take no less than 30 minutes for Wynonna to turn the whole town, if not the world, upside down.

"Just don't let anyone die, ok? I love you."

Wynonna scoffed, "I would never! I've grown. I'm responsible. Come on, I'll prove it to you."

"Ok. Ok. Fine. If Purgatory is a mess when we get back, you'll never hear the end of it." Wynonna looked at Waverly with her best attempt at the puppy dog eyes that Nicole had a natural talent for. They pulled into the terminal and Nicole was quick to get out of the truck and to grab the bags from the bed of the truck. She was clearly very eager to get going.

"See you when you get back, Angel Pants."

"See you around, Bacon Donut." Waverly smiled and giggled. She loved those little nicknames. She wrapped her arms around her sister and told her that she was just a phone call away and to call if anything happened that was worthy of Waverly coming home on the next flight.

Nicole hugged Wynonna and said that she would take care of Waverly and not to worry. They were going to have a great time.

Waves and Nicole walked into the airport terminal hand in hand, boarding passes ready, giddy about their vacation and everything that they had planned.

We All End Up In PurgatoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ