Make-Everything-Worse-Kind-Of-Girl [7]

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Legs tangled under her blanket, Wynonna opened her eyes to the unexciting Purgatory sun. She glanced over at the other sofa, seeing Doc sitting upright, staring at her.

"Well good morning. What are you staring at?"

"Nothing. How did you sleep?" Who knew Doc could be caring like that? Of course, Wynonna and Doc had baby Alice together and Wy got to see a softer, more lovely side to Doc, but it was still weird.

"Oh, you know, fine. Don't you have to open the bar or something?"

"Do you not want me here? I can leave if you want."

Wynonna slipped into a softer tone. "No of course I want you here. I'm just not used to you being like..."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Soft? Blurgh. That word makes me want to vom." She mockingly grabbed her stomach.

Doc grinned. "Speaking of soft, have you spoken to Waverly yet?"

Wynonna turned on her phone and didn't see a text from Waverly. It was still early morning in Hawaii, so Wynonna didn't expect her to be awake.

"No. But, I'm sure she's fine. Deputy Haught to Trot probably has everything under control." Doc nodded in agreement. "So. Uh. You really don't have anything to do?"

"Not really. Bar has been slow. I am surprised there have been no revenants."

"Ah. You jinxed it." Doc looked up confused. Sometimes Wynonna forgot that Doc wasn't familiar with the modern-day vernacular. "Geez Doc we really need to get you on Urban Dictionary."

Wynonna slowly got up from the couch and stretched, a little bit of skin showing from her stomach along with her toned abs. She made her way upstairs and got dressed. Leather pants, skin tight shirt and her boots. She came downstairs and noticed the door was cracked open. Doc must've been outside smoking.

"Hey so we should probably go down to the station and see if anything's come in. Y'know? Anything for us to look into?" She raised her voice to make sure Doc heard her and turned around and saw him re-enter the house.

"Alright. But Charlene didn't pass her emission test, so you are going to have to drive." Wynonna hated that he called that old stupid car Charlene. What a gross name, she thought. But she sure did love driving that old blue pickup. Nothing like the sweet smell of diesel and radiator fluid.

The pair made their way to the pickup and sped to the downtown part of Purgatory. As much as Wynonna loved shooting and killing things, she enjoyed the prospect of how quiet and simple Purgatory could be if this knob gobbling curse didn't exist. They pulled into a parking spot and walked into the sheriff's office. Piles of assorted folders and files sat on the desk. A picture of Waverly and Nicole sat in a silver picture frame. A file with a red label on it sat in the center, peaking Wynonna's interest. She picked it up and began reading its contents.

"Oh, this looks fun. Look." She pushed the folder into Doc's hands grazing them lightly. Those sparks were still there, no matter how faint they were.

"Hmm. It is certainly interesting. It would be a disservice to the department to let this go right?" he raised an eyebrow at Wy.

"You don't have to justify it to me, Doc. I'm always game for a little play time." They both smirked.

They continued to read the contents and gained the knowledge that there was a suspicious house on the west hill with reports that screams, and various odors were being omitted from it.

"Wanna know what else has screams and smells coming out of it?" She waited for Doc to catch onto the joke, "No? Ok." She high fived herself and continued to read.

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