Great Wall of Spaghetti and Meatballs [5]

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Wynonna opened her messages and typed, "Hey Waves. Just checking in on you guys. How's everything?"

"It's going great so far. Nicole is surfing and I'm lying in the sun. Nicole found me the perfect cabana. I love her."

"Bleh. You guys make The Notebook look bleak. Glad you're having a good time. I know you're going to ask so, everyone is still alive, some with liver damage some without, but everyone is still alive. I miss you. Talk later."

"I love you."

"Love you too Angel Pants." She set her phone down, her head pounding, constantly reminding her of the night before. What a night. Mercedes was asleep with pink frosting stuck to her lip and what she was pretty sure was a sprinkle buried in her eyebrow. Wynonna really did miss Waverly and Nicole whether she wanted to admit it or not. She had never been apart from Waves since before she came back to Purgatory, but man did she miss her. It felt like a piece of her was missing. Wynonna left Waverly for three years and didn't even call her that she was coming back. Not until she got that email from Uncle Curtis.

Waverly was the light. She was her favorite thing in the whole wide world. Wynonna couldn't imagine life without her. She was her home, her happy place, her person. But she knew that Waverly was on vacation with Nicole and she had to enjoy it before she came back. She resisted texting or calling every 5 minutes.

She noticed a missed call from Doc. It was surprising that he called her, he still hadn't quite managed how to work a cellphone yet. She called him back.

"Hey Doc. What's up? I noticed a missed call from you. Everything ok?" She still felt that hole in her heart, but it had to be temporarily replaced.

"Nothing darling. Just making sure you are okay. You were not at Shorty's last night and I received nothing from you."

"Shit. Yeah. Mercedes and I ended up at stupid Pussy Willows. Turns out it was girl's night. What a wild night."

"Oh well. Do you have anything planned for today?" She realized that without Waverly there, she was actually bored. Usually she and her sister did something together or went to the diner for breakfast. But she was actually bored for once. She hated that feeling.

"I do now. Come over. Let's shoot some shit." Doc agreed and she hung up the phone. He arrived a few moments later and brought his pistols. They went to the backyard and set up various beer and whisky bottles, cans and really anything they could find that could be blown to bits.

Doc being Doc, insisted on a challenge and needed zero "warming up" so he called it. And Wynonna being Wynonna agreed and made a bet.

"If I win, you buy me dinner."

"And if I win, you have to tell everyone that I am a better shot than you." Oh shit, she thought. She couldn't lose this. This was her pride and her integrity he was threatening.

"Oh dude, you are so on." She walked out about 15 paces from the beam and dragged a line with the heel of her boot. "We shoot from here." Doc nodded and insisted she choose the first target to shoot.

First in line to be shot was a large whisky bottle from Shorty's that she was sure had been sitting around her house for days if not weeks. Doc hit it easily and chose the next victim. A smaller and thinner beer bottle. Even though, it was smaller, she had pegged it with ease. Wynonna grabbed an empty can of green beans and set it on the beam. Doc took his time lining up the shot, pulled the trigger and the can went flying back into the grass. He then picked up an old shot glass. Thin and short. He was going to be impressed if she could hit it. She grabbed Peacemaker and closed one eye.

Wynonna didn't know if this would actually help her but all the guys on the TV shows she watched hit their targets so, why not? The gun boomed and the shot glass burst into a thousand pieces. She noticed a bottle cap laying on the ground and picked it up. Her back was to Doc who was loading his gun, preparing for whatever Wynonna was about to set on that beam. She chuckled to herself and stood the bottle cap on its edge, facing the shooting line. Doc looked at the cap and looked at Wynonna. She shrugged her shoulders and told him that it was a fair pick and if he wanted to back down, she had to start thinking about what she wanted to eat. Doc shook himself and cocked his hat forward and closed his eyes. The bullet shot out of his pistol and all he could hear after was the cheering and shouting coming from Wynonna, who was jumping up and down, thrilled for her free dinner.

"Aha! You missed! You tried to show off and you just totally missed! Free dinner for me! Woohoo!" She continued to whoop and holler until she finally calmed down and walked back into the homestead house.

"Well you try hitting that bottle cap. It is hard!"

"Watch me" Wynonna took aim at the bottle cap, closing one eye. She pulled the trigger and felt Peacemaker cock back at the momentum of the bullet flying out of the barrel. A pinch of dust flew up and there was a slight ping that came from in front of them. The bottle cap was blown to bits.

"Ha! Take that "best gunslinger to ever live" she said, in a mocking tone.

"Alright, alright. Where shall I take you for your dinner?"

"The diner. 5 stars. Just give me a sec, got to make a phone call then we can go."

"Who are you calling?"

"My gnome wife. Want to say hi?" She immediately knew that Doc didn't deserve that. "Sorry. Just feel weird today. Anyways. Why don't we order in. We can watch Little House on the Prairie." Doc lit up at the idea of watching that show. It was his favorite. It reminded him of the old days, before the well.

"Yes, that is a lovely idea."

Wynonna ordered the chicken balls, the eggs benedict and the great wall of spaghetti and meatballs. Doc ordered a simple steak, impressed that Wynonna ordered all that food. She changed into her sweatpants and climbed onto the couch, grabbing a blanket. Doc took his coat off and hung his pistols on the coat hanger. She turned on the television and found The Little House on the Prairie on demand. Doc smiled and watched intently. The food arrived and the two gunslingers chowed down while the TV was blasting the theme song.

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