Are you still in love with her? pt. 2

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{Hey my lovelies I just wanted to say that I wasn't planning on making a part two to this story but since one of my lovely readers requested a part 2, I decided to make a part 2( got to keep the readers happy ya know ) so if you liked the sad ending in part 1 then just skip this chapter but if you want a more happier ending then keep reading and enjoy the story}

I wake up restless and tired from crying last night. I look at my phone and see its 6:15 in the morning. I groan and get out of my bed and start getting ready for school. I arrive at my aMaZiNg school called southside high. As I'm walking to my first period I feel someone grab my arm. "What the hell." I say before looking up. To my surprise, I see Sweetpea. "What do you want Sweetpea." I say in a cold hearted tone. "Y/n can we talk?" "Oh you wanna talk to me. Well of course you can talk to me. Oh wait a minute I forgot, I don't care." I say in a rude tone while getting out of his grip walking away. When I get to my first period I go sit with Toni "Hey Toni." "Y/n you should talk to Sweetpea." "Hey y/n how are you. Oh I'm fine how about you ? I'm good thank you for asking." You say sarcastically rolling your eyes. "I'm serious y/n you need to talk to him." "Why? Why would I want to talk to him?" "Don't you want closure on why he said what he said?" "No. I don't care about him anymore." Toni looks at me like I'm lying. "Okay fine maybe I do want to know." Toni was there when I cried the first few nights she doesn't know I still do it though.

I got done with my morning classes and went to the cafeteria to talk to Sweetpea. I see him sitting in the spot he always sits in and he's talking to Fangs about something but I can't tell what they're talking about though. I walk up to him and say "Sweetpea." He looks up immediately as if he wasn't expecting me to talk to him. "Meet me at my trailer after school" he smiled and nods. I start to walk away to go outside because I hate the cafeteria so I always go outside and watch cars pass by. I'm not scared to walk alone because everyone is scared to mess with me ever since I went cold hearted. Finally school is over so I go to my bike and go home. I get home and sit on my couch to watch TV. About 20 minutes later I hear knocking on my door. "Come in." I see Sweetpea come in and sit on the couch next to me. It's quiet until he says "I'm sorry" "sorry you broke my heart or sorry for cheating on me." "I'm sorry about all of it." After he said that I just stayed quiet. Moments later I got up to get a water bottle since I started getting thirsty. After a while he sighs and gets up before he touches the door handle to leave I say "when did you fall out love?" "What?" "With me? When did you fall out of love with me?" "that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I never stopped loving you." You look at him confused "what? you told Malachi something different." "I lied. I saw the way he looked you, he still likes you y/n and wants to be with you again. If I said I was still in love with you then he would of got mad and hurt someone and I didn't want that to happen." When sweetpea explained why he said that my heart started racing. "Pea?" "Yes love?" my heart flutters when he calls me that. "Do you love me?" "Yes. Of course I do y/n" "Are you in love with me" he smiled and says "with my whole heart." I start to walk closer to him and he meets me half way. I lean in and so does sweetpea. When our lips collide it's like the first time we kissed. After a few minutes we both pull away smiling. " Y/n." "Yes Pea?" "Will you be mine again?" my voice wouldn't come out so my body did the talking. I crashed my lips onto his and he smiles into the kiss when I pull away he says "I'm going to take that as a yes." I smile and nod.

I got the love of my life back. <3

A/N ~ Hey I hope you like this happy ending I will be posting another story in about 30 minutes. I wrote it last night I was going to post it instead of this story but since I got a request for this story I decided to do this before I posted the one I was originally going to publish. So keep watch for my next story! See you then :))))

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