my dreams/ nightmares pt. 1

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last night i had a very weird dream. 

i was in a school gym, running around and playing on these huge bouncy castles. then the setting changed, i was still in the gym but we were separated into teams but with nothing in the room. the objective was to jump on the other teams back, which it was the females going on the males. i had tried many people, and i recognized all of them from my childhood. when i finally got on this guys back, the setting changed again. i was still in the school gym. but there were decorated tables everywhere, people, like thousands sitting at the table. when i saw this man, he was my boyfriend, and we sat at a table hugging and stuff, but when i got a good look at his face, he looked like the youtuber, thomas sanders. and my heart rushed, (irl i have a crush on him). i suddenly end up under an arch, with my now fiancé, with myself in a beautiful wedding dress. i turn around and find my previous boyfriend, who still loved me but knew he had to let me go. i hugged him tightly and thanked him for letting me go. when i looked at him, he was crying, but he looked like the youtuber, jacksepticeye. and when i saw that he was crying i hugged him for s longer time. when he let go, he looked at my fiancé and smiled. he then sat down. then i was married to thomas sanders, and before we could kiss i woke up.

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