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i'm not a sinner,

but with you, 

my strength grew so much thinner.

i knew what you wanted was wrong,

but like a siren,

you lead me to you with your song.

your touch,

oh how it felt so wrong,

but right, 

it was all too much.

your demands still race in my head,

even after years later,

and that makes me happier than ever that i had fled.

your threats still echo,

but now i know all you wanted was to see me in stilettos.

you were a sinner,

so ready to make me fall,

but you were ready because i was broken,

my heart shattered in two, 

so you had found your way into the cracks,

and at first i was your slave,

bending to your requests,

so you would be happy,

so i didn't have to worry,

so i didn't have you hurting yourself.

it stayed this way for so long,

or at least it felt like an eternity,

but then someone made me come back to reality,

you didn't love me,

you were just stringing me along,

you wanted me because i would bend down,

and even if you did hurt yourself,

over something as dumb as me rejecting you,

it wasn't my fault.

i was protecting myself.

and that is how i got the strength,

the strength to fight the sinner,

i once loved.

feelsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora