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i miss you

i don't miss who you are now

but i miss the one i used to know

the one that loved me

the one that cared

why did you do me that way?

why do you want to hurt us?


why couldn't i have a normal loving father like everyone else?

why did you drop us for a priceless item?


you don't know the hurt i've gone through

the tears i've cried

the scars that have been caused

mental and physical

i just want my daddy back

i want my dad

i miss him so much

every day i want him in my life

i want the father everyone else has

i envy my friends and girlfriend who have their dads

because i want mine

and i have no security if he'll ever be mine again...

i was a daddy's girl

and it sucks to see him go

go down the road that only leads two ways


or jail

why were you so stupid?


why'd you give up so easily?


you had us?

so you should have been able to beat the monster in your head

we should have been the knights in shining armor for you

but we weren't

we aren't even in your life anymore

as you sit and rot in a prison cell

i hope you know the pain you've caused

for your daughter.

for your son.

he'll even your ex wife. your children's mother.

and after all this pain and suffering,

i still want to be in your arms

i want to be daddy's girl again

i want the approval 

but i'll never get it

because he is sick

he's so unbelievably sick.

and all i want is for him to get better

so i can have my daddy again

because i miss him so god damn much

i want my daddy

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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