my dreams/ nightmares pt. 2

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background info: i was in love with this boy for a few months, going back and forth on myself about liking him. and recently i've almost lost all feelings. but this is the third love dream i've had of him.

it was gym class, and he kept staring at me and kept trying to come towards me, and whenever he did by heart started to race. so i kept getting away. i didn't want to hurt. then we were ordered to run, then the scenery changed, we were in a forest with colorful leaves on the ground and on the trees. i ran trying to catch up to my friend, but he kept chasing after me. after i stopped, the scene changed to be on the street i live on. 

i saw him coming towards me again and i started to walk away. he begged me to stop.


"cause i like you."

i turned to face him, my face feeling hot. 


"yeah i like you."

i smiled. he then wrapped his arms around my waist. i tried to stand on my tippy toes and kiss him, but i'm significantly smaller than him. he laughs and bends down so i can kiss him.

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