Can I Help?

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Kevin POV-

Walking into the school I was a dreary and tired. My dad and me spent 2 hours trying to figure out how to make dinner ending up the need to buy take out and his dad getting drunk. I had taken his anger out on the trash can. I had gym first period and the coach called the class to run laps. Ed the muscle head he is wanted to race me. I am 6'1 while Ed was 6'5 which meant he was a little taller than me though we both knew I was more muscular though Ed had gained about 20 pounds in muscle after joining football last fall.

The coach took interest and she stood as are time and starter. She lifted up her jacket waving in the air as me and Edd got in position, she had let the class watch us after they did 5 laps around the baseball field.


The frustration of my mom dying and I can't sully mourn her. My dad is still a mess after her death. Neither of us are good at housework or hard to sleep. My dad drinks and sometimes cries when he thinks I'm not looking. I think he sees me when I cry sometimes.

Ed and I were neck and neck. And almost finishing out first lap. The other students cheered us on and I think Mr. Finks history class was watching us through the second floor window. Some cheered for me others for Ed. I see the end of the lap, sweat is dripping out of both of us. We;re both strong and fast, but this is fun too see who is faster. Me and Edd were neck and neck, run ,run, run. I hear the cheers blend together in the background and all I can hear is my heavy breathing.

"And it was a TIE! Great job you two. Take ten in the locker room. Now you vouchers go change I ain't writing passes for you. My peers walked back easily as they didn't care as they slowly walked back. I collapsed on the ground, fatigue catching up on me. My body ached, probably because I'm not eating nor sleeping. Ed left I think as well as the teacher though Ed seemed too be dragging himself inside after giving me a thumbs up.

Even though I ran so fast, even though they all were having fun, even though it was for them. Everyone left. Nobody cared until he threw another stunt. Would anyone care if e was actually hurting? That he needed help. That he was lonely. I don;t know but I didn't feel like going to classes so I dragged myself to a nearby tree for shade and slept.

Double D POV

I got hit in the back of the head with a piece of paper again. I'm in AP calculus and I'm trying to pay attention. The teacher is young and obvious to the students jealous of my IQ, or think I'm a creep. Everyday this habit continues, as more and more notes were thrown at me as they knew I'd get in the best colleges and valedictorian. At first, I thought it was only because of my looks but later found out by Marie Kanker that many hated me for my grades also. Fortunately my two companions didn't know about this as Ed is stupid but can be violent and Eddy whom has already stressed over his online business and helping his father. I would love to listen to their troubles as they saved me from loneliness when I was younger.

As the bell rang I shoved my books in my bag and dashed out the door before anyone could even see me. I have gym next and I need to change fast unless I want to get beaten up. Not that anyone cared .other students either ignored it or even the ones that stuck up for me I'd stop since I knew they would get bullied too. I don't particularly mind it but I do mind others worrying about me. I would feel guilty if someone gets harmed because they wanted to help me. I;ve already created enough problems for my brother and his wife.

Today we are gonna run laps, as we usually if it;s nice out. Walking outside I feel the warmth as the sun was right above us at noon. After this is lunch 4th period, I usually spend it in the band room with Eddy's girlfriend and her friends. Eddy and Lee Kanker started dating at the end of middle school after he'd realize how well they fit together. May and Marie had given up though and are living their own lives, and now we make fun of the two lovebirds.

As I walk down to the track, I love being punctual. Even if it's to a track, honestly I hate sweating it's so unsanitary but swimming was much more fun in our pool. Before I make it to the track I see a bob of red hair. It was probably someone skipping class or taking a lunchtime nap, but me being me I had to see if they were alright. As I got closer I saw a red cap and instantly knew it was Kevin. Our childhood bully, though he wasn't so mean. At random times, Kevin had been kind, once he eve gave me a jawbreaker on my birthday.

I remember, my uncle was at school and I was really missing my parents. The sweet taste still roams my tongue. Though he acted a bit of a jerk when I hung out with Eddy and Ed. After the grade we both stopped talking, as we barely saw each other unless around the block once in a while.

"Kevin, are you alright?" I asked softly. I stood next to him and looked intently. Kevin seemed not to hear so I asked again a bit louder. "Kevin?" gin he did not stir. I would have left right then and there, when I saw how red his face was. I dropped to my knees to feel his forehead.

He's burning up. Oh dear, I guess I should tell the teacher and bring him inside. I shook Kevin, how long has he been outside? I shout. "Kevin, wake up! We need too get you to the infirmary. KEVIN PLEASE!" I cry.

Kevin stirred awake. I sigh in relief. "D-Dork?" I was about to tsk but instead I hold out my hand getting up. "Come on, you have a fever. We need to get you too the nurse." Kevin stares at my hand for a moment, clearly perplexed. I sigh and yell this time. "Kevin, please get up and go to the infirmary with me."

Kevin took my hand slowly getting up. I smile, and cringe a little as he leans a little on me. Hooking my arm around his torso with his arm around my shoulder we walk.

Kevin POV

He's so tiny. He used to be a couple inches taller than me when we were kids. Now I think I'm a good 6 inches on him. Not only that he;s built some muscle after joining the swim team. He's blabbing about taking me to the infirmary. Ugh, I'm probably fine, who cares anyway. Nobody stays or cares. My dad yeah but i don;t think I can help him that much either.

Oh well, double dweeb always had a big heart. That's why I always treated him better than that jerk Eddy. Always tainting Double D's purity. Ed was stupid in the first place good player but if you talk too him for to long he'll make you dumb too.

I guess I do feel a little weak, probably all the junk i eat and sleepless nights. As we walked I closed my eyes and let Edd drag me away. I know he's a good person and too chicken to do anything againist his morals. I open my eyes as shapes are blurry and I hear Double D talking to me. I'm too tired to listen so I grumble a yes or maybe I think.

He guided me to what I think is the nurse's office. I stumble onto the bed falling fast asleep for the first time in ages.

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