Good Food

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I had set the table to perfection for two. It's been so long since I had someone to eat with. I put out the salad and the chicken soup made with ingredients from my home which was southeast about 12 meters from here. Honestly, it's quite terrifying to think one;s house can be so out of order. It's truly mystifying though I have no right to be nosy or to judge, tough times call for tough measures.

Though I should swing by again just to make sure Kevin's okay. The bathroom needs to be bleached, as well as the floors with pine sol. I don't know if I'll be always free but, it's not like I have much to do after seven, and it might be easier to eat if I'm feeding someone else instead of a soup kitchen every Sunday. Though, I should talk to his parents and maybe tell his friend, Nathan as he seems to be one of the only people not to bully me, or maybe Nazz they are close to Kevin...

"Who are you?"

I jumped, with a less than manly scream I will never admit. I shook as I saw a middle-aged man standing next to the kitchen door, tall, dirty blonde with some stumble, he was well built as his clothes seemed just a tad bit tight for him. His eyes were a bright green just like Kevin's. Was this his father they seem to look kind of similar, but not completely, even his voice was deep throwing me off.

"Hey dad. Your back. You remember Edd our next door neighbor." Kevin had entered the room and he was shirtless. Reveal years work of muscles as well as a six pack. Holy calculus, it he looks like a roman god. I might've fainted at the spot. But wait, dad? That must mean this is his father. I should say something, though it was partially his fault as he wasn't there too bring his son home.

His father stares me for a good moment before asking, "That guy you hate his guts, I thought he'd be a little more... sleazy looking and taller by the way you talked about him."

"No dad. This is the smart, goodie tush shoes, Double D or the one that lives in the big house right in front of us."

"OHhhh, that Edd. Why's he here?"

"He helped me get home. I wasn't feeling too well, and apparently passed out."

"Really wow, why didn't you call me I would have brought you home, then I could at least bring your bike too."

"I did call you." I spoke up a bit annoyed. Honestly, the food I spent an hour making. He could have even looked at his messages since it was the school, it's not often they call. "Now, let's eat after Kevin put's a shirt to at least look decent. My goodness you have a fever, it's not rational to be half naked. And you should know better than to make me wait this long. Mr. Smith I suggest you sit down after changing into some more comfortable attire, after a shower. The food I spent a very very long time making is getting cold."

The two stare at me like I'm some kind of alien. Annoyed I snarl a 'shoo' as the two scamper for dinner.

Kevin POV

Whatever that nerd made it smelled good, I don't think I've had home cooked shit since forever. I saw the look of nostalgia both of us had when Edd nagged us, no one has had cared like that about in a long time. Telling we were wrong, it hurt yet it was so comforting. Maybe I'm going crazy. I pull on a sweater, I suddenly felt so chilly and my nose started to run, shit. Luckily the nerd must have put tissues next to my bed for me.

Oh well. I ain;t gonna show my weakness too some dam nerd with no backbone. Yet he was so comforting, I felt kinda whole for once, like I wasn't a hollow. I better not get my hopes up he;s just going to leave me again. Shuffling to the kitchen I saw Double Dork placing napkins on the table, he looked so happy... Goodness knows why, It;s just dinner with two shitty people who haven't even been that kind to him. Why did he care so much.

'Kid?" I looked behind to see my dad staring down at me. I think he saw the fear in my eyes as I saw the same as his. Can we hold our shit together. We can only hold it for so long I doubt dad would drink in front in Edd but if he can;t control his sadness he might see how broken we actually are and then he'll hear our sob story and tell everyone.

My dad nods knowing we had to go, even if we didn't want to . We have to get our shit to not look that bad of a mess. What was I supposed to do? My fists couldn't solve this problem nor would I ever run away from a fight. I put on my best smile and walk in. At the table I saw an amazing spread of soup, salad and apparently desert at the center of the table, Double D sat at the side of the 6 chair dining table. My dad sat at the head closest to the wall and I sat across from Edd.

Edd smiled and me and the old man smile back. Edd served us a bowl of soup for each of us and set the salad closer to us also. "Make sure to get the proper nutrients it will help you get in better health. It will also help you sir.

I stared at my bowl of chicken soup for a moment. It looked like it came out of restaurant magazine. Perfectly made, with the perfect amount of everything. It smells even better my dad was the first to take a bite, then I did. Double stared at us expectantly, And, HOLY COW can he cook, It tastes almost as good as mom's. Damn, who knew the nerd was such a great cook. My dad must of thought the same thing as he dug into the hot food like there was no tomorrow. There were even freshly made bread. What the fuck?! This guy is amazing! I started to feel my nose clear up a little and the soup soothing my body.

:Calm down, gentlemen. I made a lot so you can eat as much as you like then we can have dessert. Me and my dad perked up at the dessert part, like puppies excited for a treat. Edd giggled, "First finish your dinner then we can have dessert , but eat more like human beings please." Okay maybe we were eating like animals but, wit was just so much better than takeout or microwave meals.

After we finished the main course which we ate most of the soup while Double D ate most of the salad as he preferred it anyway. Me and dad looked expectantly at Edd for dessert wondering what he could have made on such short notice. To our delight it was our favorite, a small vanilla cakes about the size of a mug. With blueberries, my dad's favorite fruit on one, another had a blackberry my favorite while the last one had a strawberry which I assume s Double D's favorite. We delightfully ate our dessert together, as Double D decided to spark a conversation with my dad.

"So do you work out often Mr. Smith you have quite the muscle definition."

:Yes I do. I find it quite calming, as you can tell I was much like my boy when he was young I also like working with heavy objects after I finish working at the jawbreaker factory like a mechanic or carpenter would. Though you are quite the skinny one maybe you should eat more and workout also. Kevin could probably get some muscle on you."

"No, I'm quite content on how I look. Though we maybe be scrawny it helps quite a but during swimming competitions, nor do I like sticking out that much."

"Ah~, though you do seem to be quite intelligent and athletic,your parents must be proud,"

"I do not have parents nor am I anything special. I just happen to pick it up from my uncle." Edd said breezily though this made me and my dad stare. What the fuck did he just say? 

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