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Kevin looked so vulnerable as he stared at the wall. Eyes lifeless and dry. He was so... so broken. He's lost so much, and I know exactly how it feels. I felt hot tears falling down my cheeks. How much more will Kevin have to go through? Tears falling down my cheeks as I started to cry, understanding the pain. Shedding the tears I knew Kevin couldn't. Kevin looked at me in surprise, clearly confused why I was crying. I rubbed my eyes, trying to bottle up the tears but they kept flowing.

I hugged Kevin with all my might. Whispering into his ear, "She's gone, but I am. I promise I will never let you go. If you can't cry for her I will. If it's hard for you to move on I will help push through. Moving on may never even happen but you can still fight it. If it gets too much then we can both fight it with your father. If you don't trust me, trust your dad. It's okay to have scars, Kevin it's what makes you a human Kevin. Because at the end of the day, Mr. Smith and I will be there for you. I will be there for you and your father."

Kevin seemed to have broken to have broken at my words s he returned the hug, holding onto to me for dear life. Like father like son, both hurt but have a hard time to show it. If a few tears slipped through Kevin's eyes neither of us said. Slowly but surely Kevin leaned away from my arms as he fell into a peaceful slumber. His hand was holding mine tightly though.

I wiped away the rest of the tears calming myself. Kevin still looked so vulnerable yet, he looked so much more... at peace again. I hope he can have a peaceful slumber, as I laid my weary head on his leg.

Flashes of my parents leaving, me calling them over the phone the day they were about to get on the plane. The phone call of there death which my grandmother picked up, after that she beat me. I knew how much she was hurting so I didn't even scream I bit my lip and cried my eyes out. I was being such a sissy in her eyes thus she hit me harder than she usually does when babysitting me. It stayed like this and I could barely cover all of them with the suit. That day I don't know how maybe my grandmother was distracted. She was yelling about how I should behave at the funeral. Crying over the loss of her child saying it me and her useless husband's fault. We hit a car, the world goes black for a few seconds before I wake up. We are upside down, my grandmother is motionless as her head was completely turned around in an inhuman angle. She didn't even have arms anymore. Blood is everywhere, onto my face, the clothes that took me forever to get on, my new shoes, my hair.

The metallic taste of blood is in my mouth as more and more blood poured down my head. I didn;t even have words for the gruesome scene. I'm still trying to cry over the accident but instead I just feel a twinge I don't deserve to cry it's all my fault they are dead because of my mistake. I should have rushed my parents, I should've been there more for my grandmother no matter how much she hated me I loved her. I would take another 100 beatings before her leaving me. Then uncle took me in, I owe so much to him, luckily the house was already paid for but the long hours he spent just to get the bills paid, give me some attention, deal with medical school and even just deal with everyone. He's under so much stress, and when he got sick, he refused to go to the doctor as it was too much money. His fever is over 102 and he's breathing so heavily. I have no one to turn to, I can't tell my friends my problems they'll worry too much. Who can I turn too? Is Uncle going to die? Will I have nobody left? I'm already trying so hard don;t take more people away! The guilt is suffocating me! PLEASE STOP!

What am I to do? I'm scared! I don't like the color red! I can't eat, I still can't sleep. The panic attack clutch my throat. It's so hard to breathe

Kevin Pov

The world was so dark and colorless. I was walking through a dark place passing pale people, they were as white as a sheet and all wearing masks so I couldn't see their faces. Everyone was ... pointing and laughing at me as if I was the butt of the funniest joke in history. "Look at Kevin he's such a weakling he can't get over his dog's death. It was just a stray anyway, there's no point crying over it right?! Hahahha" A girl cackled hysterically to her friends.

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