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"Betty that hag is here!"
"Don't call him that, his name is Jughead."
"Wait that's jughead? I haven't seen him in years." Mom said.
"Jughead come in, sorry about my mom by the way, she hasn't been herself ever since my dad left."
"Oh where did he go?"
"With some bitch." my mom said.
"Oh I understand." He said.
"Well mom we are gonna get going."
"Jughead I would love for you to come by some time, or eat dinner with us."
"Yeah that would be great." Jughead smiled.
"Okay mom we really have to get going."
"Have fun to wherever the hell you're going to." We got in my car and drove to Cheryl's. As we were walking up the stone path in the front yard I asked "Wait, what exactly is the plan?" He knocked on the door.
"I'll tell you after we get the 7 gallons of maple syrup."
"7 gallons?" The door swung open with none other than Cheryl bombshell.
"Cousin! Hobo, why are you here?"
"Cheryl jughead is my friend."
"Okay fine, but seriously what are you doing here?"
"We need 7 gallons of maple syrup."
"Okay right this way Wednesday Addams." I followed after them. "Take all you need." She opened the door leading to tons apon tons of syrup.
"Thank you Cheryl."
"Anything for my dearest cousin." She smiled.
"Okay Betty maybe we don't need 7 gallons."
"What did I say."
"Okay you get two and I'll get two" I nodded. He took them.
"Jug, be careful, we don't want to get our Clothes dirty."
"Okay, mom." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. We walked out to the car and put them in the trunk.
"Okay where should we put them while we are at your dads?"
"We can just leave them here." I drove to the whyte wyrm, where the party was. I had got Fp a present, I got him a new tie because I didn't know what else to get him.
"Ready?" Jughead asked as he opened the door for me.
"Of course." I took his hand as he lead me inside. Jughead froze when we got inside. "Jug are you okay?" I put my hand on his cheek.
"What?" I looked back, to see his mom hugging Fp.
"Gladys?" I walked toward her with a smile.
"Betty." She gave me a hug. "I haven't seen you in so long, you and jug dating?"
"Yeah, I guess you could say that." I smiled. I walked over to Jughead as he was talking to his dad.
"Betty is that you?" Fp asked.
"In fact it is." He came over and hugged me. I intertwined my fingers with jugheads. I whispered in his ear, "and our deal starts now." I smiled and he looked down at me. I kissed him on the cheek and pulled him toward the drinks.
"Now juggie, we need this to be believable."
"Alright so I'm guessing you want me to tell my parents?"
"Well your dad your mom already knows, you can tell jelly if you want."
"Okay." He pulled me closer to him as he danced with the music. I grabbed his neck as he pulled me into a passionate kiss.

I'm currently editing the next chapter, it should be out in a couple hours.

Don't forget to watch the trailer!

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