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A month later: Betty
I sent out all the invitations two weeks ago, I realize the wedding is very rushed but I don't care, I've been waiting to marry Jughead for months, and we are finally in the position to get married. The passed month has been very very hectic, that is why we have decided to get it over with, nothing too big, just two people trying to get married. Our financial issues are the reason we will not have anything big, but my mom agreed to to help pay for the food and decorations.
"Damn you Jarred!" I yelled into the phone. "I ordered white and yellow balloons not fucking white and silver! If you want to keep your balloon business I suggest you get people what they ask for, nice going Jarred!"
"Hello? Hello? Jarred? I'm not done with your ass!" "What the hell kind of business is that? They hung up on me!"
"Baby calm down." Jughead came over to me and hugged me.
"I'm stressed, who knew a small wedding would lead to this?" The babies started to cry.
"I got them." I said breaking our hug.

The next day:
technically it's "bad luck" for the bride and broom to see each other before the wedding, but then again it's not a traditional marriage, I mean a normal wedding wouldn't take place at a diner like ours is.
"Yeah." I answered.
"What time are Cheryl, Toni, and Veronica coming over?"
"They should be here soon." I told him.
"Can I tell you something?" He asked.
"What is it?"
"I used to have a crush on you when we were best friends, but you didn't notice, Remember those sleepovers we had at Archie's, Well one time, you fell asleep early and me and Archie were talking about how I would try to date you at like twelve." He laughed. "I don't know if you remember me giving you those gifts?" A smile spread across my face.
"I was so blind." I told him. I started to tear up.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothings wrong, everything is just they way I want it." I kissed him. "And you know what? I don't think I even loved Archie that way."
"I love you so god damn much."
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, when I die I want it to be within five feet apart from each other." I told him. The door swung open, with Veronica, Cheryl, and Toni.
"Betty! Cheryl exclaimed.
"Let's get you ready for your wedding girl." Veronica said.
"Babe I'll see you there?" He asked.
"Yeah, love you." I said.
"Where are the twins?" Toni asked.
"I left them with my mom." I said.
"Okay, b, I brought my expensive make up kit, untouched and everything."
"V, you didn't have to do that." I told her.
"Oh, but I did Betty cooper."
"Jones." I corrected her.

After Veronica finished my hair and makeup, Cheryl helped me with my dress

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After Veronica finished my hair and makeup, Cheryl helped me with my dress.
"Are you ready to see it?" Cheryl asked.
"I think." I walked Towards the mirror. I started to cry.
"B! Don't cry."
"Thank you guys so much." I have them all big hugs. My phone dinged.
It was the Riverdale news. "While Riverdale prisoners were getting transferred to Lodge Prison Facility, the bus crashed, there were no survivors, some of the names identified were Hal cooper, Damien white, and Marisa Klump, researchers are identifying more bodies." My heart stopped, I couldn't breathe. I was trying my hardest to breathe, but nothing would come out, I gripped the bathroom counter, trying to breathe, my phone dropped out of my hand, they were calling my name, but I couldn't hear them. I broke down crying, I ran into the bedroom.
"Betty! Betty!"
"My d-dad." Is all I could get out. Toni picked up my phone. "While Riverdale prisoners were getting transferred to Lodge Prison Facility, the bus crashed, there were no survivors, some of the names identified were Hal cooper, Damien white, and Marisa Klump, researchers are identifying more bodies" she read.
"Oh my god." Cheryl yelled.
"Do you want to cancel?" Veronica asked.
"No!" I said. "Just fix my make up, I am not let my dads death come between me and jug's wedding." I told them. They did as I said and we got into the limo.

The next chapter will be the last chapter of 'senior year'

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