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To be honest I was really scared to tell my mom everything, what if she doesn't except me, I mean Jughead and I are both eighteen, I don't know, but we'll find out, she'll be home in ten minutes. Jughead was on the couch watching my little pony, while I was pacing around the room. "Betty relax."
"How can I relax, you know my mother, you know how she will act."
"Betty we are eighteen we can make our own decisions." The door unlocked.
"She's seven minutes early." My face went pale.
"Hey Betty, Hey Jughead."
"Mom I'm marrying Jughead."
"No hunny your marrying Archie, now help me with the groceries."
"Mom he cheated on me."
"Forgive and forget am I right?"
"Mom, your wrong! And I love Jughead, and I need the serpents."
"The serpents? Did Fp tell you to say this?" My mom asked.
"No! And if you don't except me, I'm sill gonna be Jugheads queen."
"The hell you are Elizabeth." She said.
"Oh mom don't act so innocent, I know who you are, I know who you used to be, you were in the serpents, and plus I'm eighteen now and I can make my own decisions! Now let's go Jughead we have a pep rally to go to."
I pulled him out of the door.
"Betty you don't think we're rushing things do you?"
"No, not at all, why?"
"Because, we just got together, and now we are getting married."

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