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Toni pulled me outside.

As I was finishing up my performance I saw Toni and Jughead heading out the door, but it looked like they were talking, so I decided to eavesdrop in their conversation. "Toni what do you want?"
"Well I've been thinking about us." I saw her grab his shoulder.
"What about us?"
"You know as a couple?" She smiled.
"I'm with Betty."
"Oh sunshine and rainbows doesn't have to know, it can just be our little secret." She leaned in to kiss him. I walked away.

"Toni what the hell do you think your doing!"
"Kissing you."
"Why the hell would you do that?"
"Fine, you don't like me, I'm more into girls anyway." She stormed off. I went to go find betty when my dad signaled me over. "Son? Why is your girl crying over there?"
"I don't know."
"Well you better fix that." He said. I walked over to betty.
"Betty what's wrong?"
"Why do t you ask Toni, you seemed to enjoy that kiss you had with her, I saw it, I saw you two."
"That sun of a bitch." I said under my breathe.
"And to think you were different Jughead, to think you'd be the only boyfriend that wouldn't cheat on me, but of course, I'm not good enough."
"It's not what it looks like Betty."
"Okay then what is it?"
"That's what they all say, I don't know why I even give them a chance anymore."
"Betty can I take you somewhere?"
"Fine." I took her hand as I helped her on my motorcycle. "Jughead where are we going?"
"It's a surprise." We drove for about a half hour to get to my favorite spot, by then the sun had gone down, and it was the perfect time to be here. I took my helmet off her head and helped her  down. I gazed at the beautiful night view. The trees, and the river glistened as the quite night grew.  "Jug what is this place?"
"You'll find out." I gripped her hand tighter as we walked farther into the path of trees. This was my favorite spot. "Oh wait hold on, stay here." I forgot that I left my bag in the storage compartment of my bike. I ran back to betty as I looked at her in awe, she had a twinkle in her eye from the moonlight.
"Jughead how did you find this?"
"I go here all the time." She smiled when I grabbed her hand again. I pulled her as I ran towards my favorite spot, her laugh made butterflies in my stomach, if only she knew the truth about me and Toni. When we were at our destination, I took out two blankets, I laid one of them on the grass, and the other one I put on the side in case we were cold. She sat on the blanket, she looked sad almost. I sat on the blanket next to her. "Penny for your thoughts?"
"I hate the night time."
"Why?" I asked
"It's just sad, it's the end of another day, the return of the dark night, and the darkness is so predictable." She looked at me.
"I like the night because if without it you would never see the stars." I told her. "But then I don't really need all of them when I have you."
"You're so cheesy."
"I'm being romantic."
"Romantically cheesy."
"But you like it."
"I do." She leaned in and kissed me, but I took it a step farther and deepened the kiss. She took my shirt off as I took her (my) flannel off. I kissed down her neck and reached her (my) shorts, I slipped them off as well as my own. The pace quickened. Only Heaven knows the rest of what happened. We lay there together smiling, gazing into each other's eyes.
"Betty I wanted to ask you something."
"Go for it."
"So my dad is retiring, and I'm next for king and I was wondering if you would be my queen?" "You don't need to answer this right now, I mean maybe like tomorrow at school or something?" She giggled.
"Of course!" She kissed me.
"But before you agree, I want you to know that, when you agree, you are agreeing to teen pregnancy, teen marriage, and leadership."
"Jughead, if I get to have a family with someone I love then that would mean the world." She said.
"I have the ring at the trailer."
"I know we just started dating but I'm sure of my decisions."
"This was a beautiful night of adventure, but we do have school tomorrow."

Sorry for another short chapter, I'm trying to post as much as possible, because like I said I will be really busy August 4th (coles birthday) love you all.

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