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Archie was the first one to come though the door, because he lives next door. "Hey arch." Jughead said while they sat next to each other on the couch. I put the meatballs into the oven and turned around to see Archie on the ground and Jughead kneeling down on the floor playing barbies with Olivia and Juliet.
"I remember when you guys played barbies with me." I said taking my oven mitts and my apron off.
"Me too." Archie said getting up and pulling his shirt down. "Hey Betty do you need help with anything?" He asked.
"How very helpful if you arch, you could set the table."
"Okay." Since Archie practically lives here, he knows where everything is, even the guest bedroom has his and Cheryl's clothes in the closet.
"Archie we are getting a dog!" I told him with a big smile on my face.
"Wait what! Finally!" He said.
"Hey! Ya know I can hear you."'Jughead said turning towards us. These are the moments you remember most, not when your best friends make out right in front of your eyes in high school, not the endless nights you spend fighting with your spouse, not the name you got called by Reggie mantel in second grade, none of those matter when you have these moments. As everyone was seated at the table. I started to place the food on the table. "Guys before we start eating, I just wanted to say, how grateful I am to have this wonderful friend group, and I wanted to let you know that you all make me and jug very happy, and we love you for that, and I know Veronica has some big news so I'm gonna let her talk." I said sitting down next to Jughead.
Jughead placed a hand on my thigh "That was really sweet." Jughead whispered in my ear. I replied by kissing him on the cheek.
"Okay so me and Reggie were thinking,since we can't have kids we want to adopt!" She said with a huge smile on her face. I got up to hug her. "That's amazing v!"
"Have you looked anywhere?" Toni asked
"Actually there's this seven year old girl named Vivianna she just seemed really special, I mean they're all special, it's just she really stood out to me and Reggie, she has black hair and dark skin, her favorite color is green."
"They said the process could take up to a year so we are hoping sooner than that." Reggie said.
"Now b, you said you had some news also." Veronica said.
"Yeah but it's not as exciting as yours, this is the time to celebrate." I smiled.
"Just tell us." She said.
"Well, I just promoted as a high school counselor at the school Jughead works at." I said twirling spaghetti on my fork.
"Babe! Really!" Jughead hopped out from his seat. I nodded. He pulled me from my seat, gripped my waist with his hand and kissed my lips.
"Congrats b!" Veronica said.
"Also Jughead said we can get a dog!" I said.
"Veronica, if your gonna adopt a girl can me and Vivianna be friends?" Juliet asked.
"Of course you can honey." Veronica said.
"Okay fuck it!" Cheryl said taking a meatball.
"What the hell?" Toni said.
"Betty makes the best." She said with a moth full of meatball.
"Babe you have sauce on your face." Toni grabbed her napkin and whipped Cheryl's face.
"Anybody else for news?" Jug asked.
"Well... I was at the park with Vegas and I met this girl Gia, she also has a dog named scarlet, and we really bonded and we are meeting at pop's tomorrow." Archie said.
"I'm so happy for you Archie." I told him.
"Thanks." He said. The night was filled with laughter and smiles.
Next chapter they will be getting a dog, but that's all for tonight sorry, I'll probably post tomorrow, I'm so sorry that this isn't the usual schedule :( its just been really hectic lately and I've been really busy, so I've been trying to update whenever I can I love you and I'll see you tomorrow Wattpad!

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