Chapter 3 Kat and Annie

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        I woke up with a creak in my back the next morning as I get ready for the first day of college. Me and Yammy walk together to go to separate classes. We did happen to be in the same Calculus and Geography class as she hoped.

            During lunch me and Yammy sat together munching quietly. We both at the same time notice a little red haired girl sitting a couple seats down by herself. We both scoot down a couple of chairs to introduce ourselves.

            She isn’t eating. She’s drawing. Pretty good actually, she doesn’t notice us until a couple seconds.

            “Oh, hey.” She says and puts her drawing under the table.

            “You’re a really good drawer.” I complimented

Yammy nodded.

            “Oh, it’s nothing.” She blushed.

            “No it’s something,” Yammy said, “I’m Yammy and this is Lizzie.”

            “I’m Kat.”

We got together pretty well with each other and also talked the whole rest -time. She talked about her anime drawings and we listened patiently. During the rest of the afternoon I had a class with Kat too: Biology.

            When the day was over me and Yammy went out to eat, something simple: fish and chips and went back to the dorm. We talked about the day and how unremarkingly smooth it went. We talked about the new girl and some other school stuff.

            The next morning was hectic; we woke up late, got ready quickly and sprinted to class. I got there a couple seconds before the morning bell rang but I’m not positive Yammy got to class on time.  

            We had a more advance day rather than the first day of school and by lunch I already had a boatload of homework. Me, Yammy and Kat sat together in a little group talking about the day and how many classes we had left.

            I had Calculus right after lunch with Yammy and while the professor’s back was turn we would pass notes between us.

            Did you make it to class on time?

I passed the note unnoticeably to Yammy. She scribbled her answer and yawned stretching her arms above her head dropping the note on my desk from behind.

            No, I was a minute late made a good 'reputation' on the teacher.

I giggled and at that time I noticed the professor looking over my shoulder. He took the note and read it.  He sighed.

            “First warning Ms. Dwyer. There won’t be a second.”

            He walked over to the trash can, crumpled the paper and threw it away. He turned around to face the class.

            “Okay class fifty equations due tomorrow.”

        The class groaned. After Calculus I had Biology with Kat. I walked down the hallway to next class I walked in the door to see everyone picking a lab partner. I scanned the room; Kat was sitting with another girl.

            The only seat that wasn’t taken was by a girl with faded light blue/purple hair. She was looking for a partner also, and our eyes met and she waved me over.

            “I guess were the only two without a partner, eh?” she smiled,” I’m Annie.”

            “Lizzie, nice to meet you.”

We shook hands and the professor walked in.

            “Okay class today we are going to observe different species of fungi…”

            After class was the end of the day, me and Yammy didn’t do much but go to the dorm to study the species of fungi we had to learn for tomorrow and the crazy amount of homework we had. By the time we were finished for math it was 10:00.

            We tried to help each other on Calculus but we were clueless and will more than likely flunk the assignment.

            “What does this even mean?” Yammy asked

            “I don’t know, maybe passing notes wasn’t our best idea…” I admitted

We both cracked up laughing for no good reason.

            “Oh yeah sorry about that,” Yammy confessed, more serious, “I shouldn’t have let you take all the blame.”

I shrugged.

            “It was nothing; at least we have the same ‘reputation’.”

            We laughed again at the memories of the day and soon drifted off to sleep


Hi! Hope you guys liked my third chapter! Leave any suggestions if you have an idea for the next upcoming chapter. I'll try to make a chapter every week! 

-Minx <3

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