Chapter 5: The party and the introduction of Mitty

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It was hard to concentrate with the neighbor’s loud music above us I think. I realized then I might bug them also during some of my videos so I thought of it as revenge.

            That night- or morning- Yammy came back, exhausted and flopped into bed. I woke up with a jolt of panic as I heard the bed springs squeak loudly. She murmured something illegible that was a possible ‘sorry’.

            In the morning Yammy was impossible to wake up. I tried everything I shook her shoulder, threw pillows at her yelled at her but she responded in grunts. I finally decided to spray her with water from our small sink.

            “Wake up!”

            She got up instantly and grabbed the sprayer from my hands and sprayed me with it then plopped back down. So much for that shirt… I changed to another blouse, walked to class alone and left Yammy back at the dorm.

            Classes went by with little interest. In Calculus and Geography I didn’t spot Yammy. I wondered if she was still sleeping… I sat with Kat, Annie and her friend, Mitty. We all got along well, Kat asked where Yammy was at and I explained she was out late last night.

            “Oh yeah her and Kye really kicked it off.” Kat elbowed Annie softly

            “Who’s Kye?” I asked

            “Wade’s friend.” She explained

            “Wade was a real ass too last night, I think it pissed Yammy off a bunch but then she met Kye and…” Mitty’s voice trailed.

A part of me wants to know what ‘kicked it off’ meant but of course another part was scared to ask so I kept my mouth clamped shut. We changed the subject quickly, which I was glad.

            After class I walked back to the dorm and Yammy still snoozing. I sighed and worked on my homework till about 5:00ish then I fixed two grilled cheeses just in case Yammy wanted one when she woke up.

            When I was eating I guess she smelled the aroma coming off the food and realized she hadn’t eaten yet. She woke up; in a zombie kind of way went to our small kitchen and grabbed the now cold grilled cheese. She sat across from me at the table.

            “Did I miss school?” she asked.

            “Yep, about 7 hours ago.”

She shrugged her shoulders.

            “Hmmm.” Was all she said

            “Who’s Kye?” I blurted.

            “A guy.” She grumbled.

There was a brief silence.

            “Did you drink lemonade last night?” I asked, knowing her answer.

She shook her head then winced.

            Well she went to a college party with a senior what’d she think was going to happen? I should’ve stopped her from going. Now look at her. I glanced up at her still half asleep.

            “I think you should freshen up.”

            She nodded her head and ever so slightly moved toward the bathroom. A minute later I heard the shower running. She came out in about 25 minutes looking a bit better.

            “Sorry…” She began, “I think I say that too often.”

            “Uh-huh.” I said disapprovingly.

            The rest of the night we didn’t talk much. It was hard for me to face the fact that I was in college now and this might be the usual for Yammy. In a way she made me feel more alive, more free, it was nice having her, just not right now.

            I went to bed early, she did too. When I woke up Yammy was almost ready to go she was in the mirror braiding her hair. I brushed my teeth, took a quick shower put clothes on and me and Yammy were out of the door in a couple minutes to spare.

            I’m guessing she was trying to make it up to me this morning. Showing that she could take care of herself. We had the usual classes and the usual amount of homework from each class. At lunch we all five sat together talking loudly throughout the cafeteria.

            Yammy avoided conversations about Sunday night, always changing the subject. We all sat in a quiet corner at rest-time lounging around; last night wasn’t my best sleep. Little conversation was necessary, though I believe people thought we were high or something. Mitty was braiding Yammy’s hair, I was braiding Kat’s hair, and I don’t know what Annie was doing, lying on her back watching the clouds I believe.

            We looked very odd in that little corner; I liked it though it was peaceful from all the stress by Yammy last night. By the time I got back to class my hair was in a pastel pink fishtail by Mitty I think.

            Mitty was a good braider, the last time I braided someone else’s hair was possibly grade school. I felt sorry for Kat; it probably looked like a mess. Yammy was also pretty good at braiding Annie’s. It was fun while it lasted but unfortunately school still had to go on.


        Hi! Havent uploaded in a while but I hope you enjoy the chapter. I kinda made Yammy sorta an ass but it'll clear up next chapter I promise.

-x, Minx <3

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