Chapter 4: Kayurita

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.  The next day was Saturday and we didn’t have any day classes so it was a day off. We called up Kat to see if she wanted to do something. She was free so we ended up going shopping.

            We ended up shopping for mostly clothes but Yammy had the idea of decorating our dorm so we bought some appliances. After shopping we went out to eat then went back to the dorm to all hang out. Kat eyed our still not put up video equipment.

            “What’s that?”

            “Youtube equipment.” Yammy answered.

            “You guys are Youtubers?” her eyes widened.

We both nodded.

            “I’ve always wanted a channel…” Kat wandered.

            “We can help you set one up, if you want.” I offered.

            “Yeah it should be fun.”

            “O-Okay.” Kat stuttered.

            “Here-” I grabbed a pen and paper, “- What do you want your channel to be about?”

            “Oh I don’t know-”

            “What about drawing?” Yammy offered

She nodded

            “Okay drawing,-” I wrote it down “-Now what do you want your channel name to be?”

            “Hmmm…” she thought about it for a minute, “What about just my name?”

            “Kat?” Yammy asked.

            “Kayurita.” She said.

            “Oh.” Me and Yammy said at the same time.

            “’Kay you can borrow some of my equipment for a while if you want.” Yammy offered.

            “Thank you.” She said.

            She made the video and me and Yammy showed her how to edit them. Her eyes lit up in knowledge and she soon understood. We really couldn’t show her how to do anything because me and Yammy draw stick people but she was a natural.

            That night after Kat left we figured it was time to make a video to post about the new living space, college…etc. After we were both done it was close to 3:00 in the morning and we didn’t want to disturb the neighbors so we called it a night.

            I fell asleep rather quickly and woke up the next morning with my back feeling much better than before. We went grocery shopping today for we didn’t have literally anything in our small fridge.

            We only shopped for the basics because we didn’t have a lot of money to be throwing around.

            “Hey, look.” Yammy said

She clambered in the basket of the trolley.

            “Yammy we’re going to get in trouble.” I warned.

            “Naw, it’ll be fun, you gotta loosen up a bit.”

            “Loosen up?” I raised my eyebrow, “I think you need to grow up.”

            “We’re only in college.” She stated.     

I sighed and pushed her through the store.

            “Faster! Faster!” She chanted.

            After shopping for some reason Yammy had to have Poptarts because it was ‘national Poptart day’ or something we stuck a packet in our new toaster. We ate slightly-burnt Poptarts because someone didn’t know how to make them.

            “It’s not my fault the package says 2-3 minutes.” Yammy exclaimed

            “Yeah, 2-3 minutes you put it in there for 5.”

She exhaled sharply.

            “There’s a party at Wade’s I’m going, are you?” She asked.

            “I dunno…I might later.” there bored for a few moments then realized I hadn’t finished my Calculus homework. I looked up short lessons online and tried to teach myself.


Hey! Hope you liked the 4th Chapter. If you have any suggeestions to put in the next chapter let me know...I'll try to make a chapter every week or so

-Minx <3

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