Chapter 1 - Tempted

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Welcome stranger, this is my first fanfiction written on Wattpad. I hope you enjoy! :)


Over the past few days, rumours have been circulating around the school about a wandering silhouette within Canary wood - about 15 miles north. Although, I find it hard to believe when it has such an joyful label. Nonetheless, it does create an overgrowing temptation whenever it is brought up. What if there is some sort of exciting mystery there?

My mind would drift off with these thoughts very often. So often in fact, that Jimin and Lisa have both considered creating a petition for me to get therapy. dorks.

"Y/N!" Lisa had hold of my ear between her index finger and her thumb. her mouth was millimetres away from it. "What the hell, Lisa?!" I whined, holding onto my ear as if it were severely damaged.

"Do you not know how to pay attention to your best friend in addition to your classes?!" she frowned as I gave an apologetic expression. This habit really needs to be abolished. "I'm sorry Lisa, what were you saying?" I avoided her glare; I knew She hated to repeat herself. "It doesn't matter." She looked away dramatically, towards jimin, who was accompanied by some guy from his math class. He sat happily enjoying a Capri sun with his lunch. We aren't doing this again Lisa, you WILL talk to me. I moved closer to her as her body stiffened up, not expecting my movements. I wrapped my arms around her in an embrace and spoke sweetly. "I'm sorry.. please tell me, I'll behave I promise!" I gave her a reassuring look as she loosened up again, sighing and returning the hug. "It really was nothing, I was just complaining about this trip that I have to go on next week with my geography class." She turned to look at me with a disgusted face as she spoke. A trip? Why would she complain about such a thing? It's a day away from this hell hole, I'd be down for it. She noticed my perplexed face and began to explain herself. "The trip is to that woodland everyone had been gossiping about for the past week. You know, Canary Wood?" My eyes widened in surprise. They're going to go there? "No way, unlucky.." despite my words I was filled to the brim with jealousy.

The bell rang as a signal to get back to class. Jimin waved to us farewell as he headed towards the opposite direction with his new found friend, I think his name was Mark?

// Biology 1:56pm \\

I wonder what life would be like if we were missing a colour. If yellow was removed, would depression be more frequent? Or if Blue was non existent, would we feel more joy related emotions? I find it strange how we are able to associate different emotions with different colours. Although, when we look out to the oceans horizon many can say they feel at peace, despite blue being related to sadness. For me, whenever I see something yellow, it makes me instantly smile no matter the context.

Oh shit. I was zoning out again. What makes this worse is that everyone, and I mean everyone, was staring at me. Was there something on my face? It all made sense as soon as I met eyes with my teacher who had her brows angled and eyes piercing into mine. Ah.. I'm in so much crap now. I smiled innocently at her, while she continued giving me that same stern look. "Erm, what were you saying?" I tried to keep calm as she spoke "I feel that we need to have a conversation after class don't you, miss Y/N?" I nodded, petrified of what consequences I will receive this time round.

"So, as I was saying, anyone who is willing to go on the trip with the geography class, please take the opportunity! It will be a good experience." She continued, and my focus instantly returned. If I had to guess, that's the same trip that Lisa was talking about... This is my chance to find out whether the rumours are true! I grinned, not caring for the strange looks of my neighbouring classmates. The mere thought of what I could find out there gave me severe goose bumps.

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