Chapter 10 - Return

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The night was surprisingly quiet, although I put it down to the sound proof walls that protected us. Sunmi had hardly spoken to either one of us throughout the entire day. I would constantly check up on her, and she would always answer with a basic nod. Her eyes appeared lifeless and pained, as though living was torture.

Jungkook had decided to sleep in the guest bedroom, while me and Sunmi took the master bedroom. Earlier, we found a fold out bed along with spare sheets and pillows. I was laying amongst the softness of my duvet, looking up to the girl who inhabited the bed next to me. Her inaudible sniffles were muffled further with her bedding.

My heart ached for her.


A few hours had passed, and I was strangely awoken from my slumber. I rubbed my eyes, noticing that the room was now slightly lit. Looking to my right, I discovered the emptiness of Sunmis bed. The door to our room was partly open. I grew concerned, and quietly decided to go look for her.

Upon entering the kitchen, I covered my mouth in horror. Sat against a kitchen cabinet was Sunmis frail body. Her hands gripped tightly onto a knife, and she had it directed towards her chest. Her eyes were full of grief and lost hope, while her hands shook unsteadily. I could see her pain, yet also see that she was afraid. She wants to die, yet doesn't. I know that feeling too.

"Sunmi, please put the knife down.." I tried to speak calmly. her state of mind was unstable which made her movements unpredictable. I tried edging closer towards her trembling body, but it forced her to hold the knife closer to her chest.
"Don't try and stop me!" She cried, "I need to do this, please just let me do this!" She returned her focus, yet was still struggling to bring herself to do it. I moved in again, however this time she pointed the knife in my direction. I froze. Would she really kill me?
"Don't come closer, or you'll go down with me." She spat out, glaring at me with sad eyes. I resumed my movement towards her and grasped onto the knife as-well. Pulling the sharp end close to my chest, I said:
"Do it."

But something interrupted us.


//Taehyung POV\\

Ever since Jungkook and the others left the hospital, me and Jimin watched closely over Lisas fragile body. Apparently Jimin studied Chemistry at school, therefore he knows a few things about medicine. I don't even know what paracetamol does, so I just obey every order he gives me.

It was nearing midnight, and without warning, Jimin leapt to his feet and slided his jacket on.
"Taehyung, can you check her dressing? Oh, and can you also change the towel on her forehead?" He asked me, and I looked at him confused.
"Why me? Where are you going?" He seemed to be in a rush.
"Lisa is getting paler and paler each hour. I need to get to the floor just below and find a blood transfusion." I looked at him worried.
"L-let me come too!" I asked, but he instantly shut me down.
"I need you to look after Lisa." I felt uncomfortable with his decision, yet I can't leave a sick unconscious person to fend for herself can I.


Jungkook POV

I awoke to yells from the kitchen, causing me to roll my eyes with frustration. Sleepily, I got up from my bed, and walked towards the familiar voices. I rubbed my eyes upon entering the kitchen, and once they were somewhat open, I began to panic.

Both Y/N and Sunmi were on the floor, shaking with fear. Once I had seen what they saw, I turned just as pale.

A window in the living room had been smashed to smithereens, and two battered and bloody arms snaked their way through the cardboard. They reached out towards our frozen figures, sniffing us out like prey.
I turned my attention back to the girls, and saw Sunmi holding a kitchen knife. What shocked me more, was that Y/N was bleeding from her right shoulder. Did she do this to her?!

I noticed her eyes starting to blink slowly, and her head lolling weakly to the right. I wasted no time, and ran to her side, requesting Sunmi to assist me and place Y/Ns body onto my back.
The front door was our only hope, and so I swiftly ran to check that the coast was clear. Sighing out in relief, I beckoned Sunmi to remove herself from the floor and follow me out. She looked up at me, seemingly guilty. Ah, so she did injure Y/N then. I sighed, and walked back over to her. Lifting her up by the arm, I pulled her towards the door. She tried to fight back initially, but in the end gave up.

Once we exited the building, I heard the cardboard snap, and uneven footsteps tumble inside. Just in time, thank god. We began hiding behind many street bins and lampposts, and soon managed to return to the hospital.

I wondered how Taehyung was coping in this situation.


//Namjoon POV\\

As much as Yoongi wanted to avoid the town, we decided that we just can't. We need to get supplies, or the winter will get to us before the flesh-eating creatures do. We forged a map of the forest during our week stay here, hoping it can help us familiarise where everything is, and therefore assist us in leaving.

We would walk hours upon hours, and food was limited, so we would have to take breaks often. It was during one of these breaks, that I heard the excited yells of my hyung. I looked over to the voice and noticed he was at the edge of a cliff.

"We found it!" He smiled, as I approached his eager body.

He was right. Our town that we once called home was now before us.

But redness drowned all the buildings, and danger was plastered on every billboard.

Were we the only survivors?


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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