Chapter 8 - Inferior

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I opened my eyes, slowly in fear. The horrific scene faded in, displaying layers of lifeless bodies drenched in multiple shades of blood. Although I had enough warning, my stomach began to churn, as the foul and rotting scent found its way up into my nose.

Swiftly turning away from the sight, I released what little amount of food that was sat uncomfortably in my system. Once I had finished unloading onto the street, and I'd covered my nose, I twisted my torso back to the mess before me.

They were all dead..


"H-hoseok?.." a small voice was heard amongst the remains, prominently muffled by something. I stepped forward to take a closer look, while holding my sleeve closely to my mouth and poisoned nose. Beneath a sheet of limp bodies, laid the girl with candy floss pink hair. However, the majority of her hair was crimson, soaking up the red liquid like a mop. Her face lost its colour, while her eyes were wide with immense fright. I instantaneously recognised that one of the main bodies layered on top of her was her brother, Hoseok.

Was he shielding her?..

"Y/N?!" I heard a furious yell from behind me. Turning around, my unsurprised face met Jungkook as he marched towards me in pure rage.
"YOU DID THIS!" He lifted his finger up at me, screaming in fury.
I felt slightly intimidated by his tone, however I stood still expressing no care for his harsh words. I've learnt from the past that I shouldn't let myself be controlled like this. Therefore, I ignored him, walking towards my new friend, as she now sobbed into the body of her deceased loved one.

"Hey! I was talking-" I cut him off, impatiently.
"Do you REALLY think this is a good time, Jungkook?" He looked surprised, for he didn't expect to be confronted.

Nothing else left his mouth. Thank goodness.


//Yoongi POV\\

"Oi, Hyung" the voice that called for me, belonged to my companion Namjoon. We've survived out in canary wood for almost week now, and we've achieved little to no progress.

We need to do something productive, but right now, niether one of us trusts going back to town. The world is probably in chaos right now. Aswell as this, we are lost amongst all the trees and decaying shrubbery. Very lost in fact.

I would constantly wonder, Is anyone else even alive out there?

"What is it?" I answered the younger man besides me. Currently, I was gathering a range of sticks to build a fire with. We had matches with us from our old camp, so I made sure to pack them during our escape.

"I did some surveying of the area, and discovered a water fall!" He exclaimed excitedly.
"Oh really? Where?" I asked, unsure on whether the water will be fresh and clean to drink from.
"I don't think it's that far from the source. If we catch it as it falls and use a strainer we might be able to produce clean water." He stated, proud of his discovery. For me, I was more interested in cleaning my dirt ridden skin. It's been a whole week of walking, so of course we both reek of body odour.

"I'll finish setting up the fire, and then we can go and investigate." I said while collecting even more wood.

Maybe we aren't so unlucky after all.


//Y/N POV\\

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