Chapter 4 - Empty

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We stood, frozen in our place. We were uncertain of what to do next.
Do we go towards the screams, Or do we run in the opposite direction?


Taehyung and Jungkook looked just as uncomfortable as us, making me wonder if they were from the same side of the forest as us. Or was it just plain confusion?

"Y/n, I think we need to go back to the cabins." Jimin tugged at my sleeve with shaky fingers. I looked up to the boy beside me. He appeared to be mortified. But then again I'm in the same boat. What if something happened to Lisa and the rest of her classmates?!
"Okay, Let's go." I took the flashlight from Jimin and ran with him back to camp. A voice stopped us.
"Wait!! Let us come too!" I heard Jungkook yell at us from behind. With that request, I slowed my pace, turning to see them both catching up to us.
"Why? We just met you." I spoke coldly to him, not liking the fact that he's trying to get in our business. Jimin tapped my shoulder, grabbing my attention.
"I think we should let them, they might also be from the east." I was about to object but i was unfortunately interrupted.
"Jungkook, do you think Yoongi and Namjoon are alright back there?" He spoke in a whisper, nothing but fear in his wobbly voice. My ears perked up at the name Namjoon. Is it the same person? I wondered whether to let them join us or not. In the end I finally gave in due to my curiosity.
"Okay fine. Jimins right, Lets go."


The four of us took off, running in the direction of the troubled screams.

When nearing closer, we decided to split off and go to our separate camps.

All I could hope for was that my friends were safe, snuggled in their respective beds. Sleeping. Peacefully.


After our new recruits had split off, me and Jimin picked up our pace. The levels of anxiety were through the roof and the overwhelming fear was in full swing.

Noticing the cabins finally coming into full view, we slowed down. A trail of foot prints came from our direction, towards the wooden huts. Something didn't seem right.

All was revealed when we burst into our cabin, searching everywhere for Lisa and Mark. Scarlet red substance was marked on our oak floors. That wasn't what worried you the most though, because looking in the back corner of the room, we saw a silver ring. That belongs to mark!
"MARK?!" Me and Jimin shrieked frantically searching the crime scene, only to find nothing. He was gone.
"Wait, we didn't check the bathroom!" Jimin was right. But why would they both be in there?

The door to the bathroom was closed, leaving me and Jimin fighting over who goes first. We are both such wusses. In the end, we flipped a coin, which ended up displaying that Jimin was to open the door. Thank god.

I hid behind the trembling body of the boy in front, ushering him to open it quickly. When he did, the sight was unbearable. Lisa was laying on the floor, heavily breathing and bleeding from her right arm. Instantly I rushed to her side, trying to get her attention.
"Hey, Lisa?! What happened here?!" I held her face between my hands, trying to get her to wake up. To my success, her eyes slowly opened.
"Y-y/n?" Her voice was weak, her eyes screaming fear. She slowly sat up, groaning in agony.
"Where's mark?" Jimin spoke, worried for his friend. He soon regretted the question, as Lisa's features expressed extreme fear.

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