Chapter 2 - Reckless

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\\ Tuesday 3pm //

I was wondering around the lake which situated fairly close to our cabins. The views here were addictive to me. Trees were wearing different shades of yellow. I felt at peace, with warmth surrounding my heart.

Jimin and Lisa both decided to stay behind as Jimin needed to unpack and Lisa was too anxious to join me. To be honest, all the students who came today were mostly in their cabin or close by. Does everyone believe the rumour?

I continued on with my relaxed stroll, feeling the cool breeze against my cheeks. Every now and then, I would see a squirrel scurry up a tree, or a duck swimming towards me, on a quest for bread. It was peaceful here, just like any other park really.

I was looking down at my boots, pretending to walk on a tight rope. I didn't notice the fellow human walking towards me, and I don't think he/she noticed a short potato like me either. I head butted what seemed to be a chest. I peered up to catch a glimpse of this obstacle before me. He looked stunned.
"Are you okay??" He questioned looking concerned. Wait. I recognise him from somewhere...

// 29th October last year \\

Sweet and sour. I wonder how they knew that such a bizarre contrast in flavours could be so perfect.

I sat on a bench, near the fountain, which resides in the small park behind my house. I took my pot noodles out and began to chow down. The desired combination of flavours made my mouth drool for more as I shovelled it all in.

"You look like you're enjoying that" A voice, unfamiliar to me, took me by surprise and I began choking on a noodle. Recomposing myself after my little coughing fit, I looked up at the unknown man and examined his features. Yep, definitely never seen him before. I nodded in response, slightly embarrassed, and began to eat again - slowly.
"Do you like it here?" I noticed the voice seemed closer now and realised that he was now perched next to me, admiring the fountain in front of us. "Yes, I come here a lot in the autumn time" I answered, continuing to nibble on a piece of sweet corn. He turned to face me "Why's that?" He asked with genuine curiosity. I smiled to myself, knowing that my reasoning is cringe.
"It's because it's when all the greenery turns yellow" he seemed perplexed, so I carried on.
"Yellow is my favourite colour, you see? It's such a bright colour, I could never look at it with negative emotions." As I spoke a leaf fell on top of my hand, yet it was now brown.
"I also see it as a sign of acceptance. Before the leaves turn brown and die, they turn a shade of yellow, as though they have accepted their fate." I frowned at the leaf, of which was now in my palm.

I suddenly forgot I was speaking to someone, and instantly looked back up at him. He was staring at me completely mesmerised by my words. I chuckled, brushing a strand of hair behind an ear. "What's your name, may I ask?"
He smiled brightly, "it's namjoon" I returned the smile, "nice to meet ya, I'm Y/N"

// flashback over \\

"It's been practically a year since I last saw you! How have you been Y/N?" he remembers me? I felt myself smiling at the thought of it. "I've been doing alright I suppose, what are you doing out here?" I asked genuinely intrigued.
"Oh I'm supposed to be meeting with a few friends, we are camping" he explained. Camping here? Does he not know? I gave him a confused expression and then realisation swept across his features. " ah yeah, we are actually here to check out those "sightings" everyone is talking about." Laughing softly, he then added "I didn't come up with the idea though!" now that's interesting. Someone just as curious and reckless as I am?

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