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Irondad and spiderson; my favorite thing to come out of the MCU thus far. Anyway, I'm really into whump oneshots so I thought I'd write my own. Peter is Tony's biological son in this one.

Peter's POV

Spider-Man had come with promises. Lots of them. Dad had never really let up on one in particular. If you need help, ask for it.

"Peter, I swear to god you'll give me a heart attack one of these days. If you need help, ask for it. It does not mean you're weak, and it certainly does not mean you are any less of a hero. Just ask for my help, okay? Or someone. Just call one of us. We all live here you know. We've all needed help before."

He gave me that speech more times than I can remember. He sometimes called me a selfless little shit, and I'll give him that one, but I don't want to be a burden. My dad let me have this job for one reason. Because he knew I could take it. After that field trip, when I got these powers, I became just as capable as Uncle Steve. Also, I had that Stark Stubborness in me, so I was basically invincible. Or so I thought.

It seemed like any normal day when I asked Karen to give me a lead. I'd been trying to track these guys down for days, spending way too many hours on patrol, because someone's kid was missing, taken hostage, and I was not going to let these men have this little girl. She was only six damnit. I was not letting these assholes have her. She didn't deserve this.

I walked into the hideout I had tracked them too, preparing for a fight or flight reaction at any moment. If there was anything that could go wrong, it'd be this little girl getting hurt. And I was not, in no way shape or form, going to let that happen.

"Alright Karen, I'm in," I said through my suit. When Dad upgraded my suit, he put an AI in it. At first, I thought about calling her Liz, but that was weird, so I guess Karen works.

"I'm reading heat signatures on the second basement level," Karen replied. "One of the heat signatures appears to be Talia Wilson, the girl you've been looking for."

"Thanks, Karen," I said as I headed downstairs. It was honestly really creepy. Minimal light, old abandoned boxes and windows, just an old, broken factory. But if these men had Talia, I didn't have time to be creeped out by this shit. I knew this might take a while, so I left a quick message for Dad.

Tony's POV

Peter sometimes stays out late on patrol, but never this late. I was honestly starting to get really worried. I was about to call him.

"New message from Peter, sir," JARVIS announced. "Would you like to listen to it?"

"Oh god, yes!" I replied. "I want to make sure he's okay."

"Hey Dad," Peter's voice came through. "I tracked down this little girl, Talia, I think she's six. Anyway, some bad men took her, and so I'm trying to save her. I don't know how long this'll take, so don't wait up for me. I know you probably will anyway, but I'm supposed to be good and help Mom, so please try and get some sleep tonight. I'll call if I need help, I promise."

(A/N: Mom is Pepper btw, I was gonna do Stony but I figured I'd go sort of canon with ships in this cuz I know a lot of people don't like Stony)

I relaxed a bit knowing Peter was okay, and knowing he'd call me if he needed backup. It's hard to not worry about him. He's my kid and I'd never forgive myself if I wasn't available when he needed my help.

I was on my fifth coffee in the past two hours. I should've gone to bed, I know. But I couldn't knowing Peter was still out there. What if he needed me?

Not five minutes later do I get a call from my son.

"Peter, oh my god are you okay?!" I answer frantically.

"Well... actually- gah! No," Peter replied.

"Peter, what happened? I'm on my way," I said, getting into my suit hurriedly.

"Well... I uh... I got the girl out but I uh... I chased after the bad guys... I almost had 'em Dad... but this one guy... he stabbed two knives into my arms before I could catch them... oh god Dad... It hurts... I'm so sorry," Peter said, obviously trying to hide tears.

"Peter I swear to god, you should not be apologizing right now," I replied. "This is in no way shape or form your fault. You did the right thing. Just stay where you are."

"Couldn't move if I wanted to Dad," Peter said, wincing in pain. "I'm pinned to the wall."

"Holy shit," I blurted. "I'm on my way!"

When I got there, I nearly panicked. But I knew I had to stay strong. For Peter.

"Pete buddy, I'm gonna take your mask off so you can breathe okay?" I asked. He only nodded in response. He had a cut under his mouth, and a bloody nose, but it was really just the whole arm thing that was scaring me.

"Dad... thank you," Peter said as I was trying to figure out the best way to rip the knives out of his arms.

"Of course buddy. I'm just glad you didn't try to take care of yourself on this one, you selfless piece of shit," I replied, laughing. Peter laughed for a second too. But then he coughed. Blood. I knew I had to get him home. And fast.

"Pete, kiddo, I have to rip the knives out okay?" I asked wearily. He nodded slowly.

Each knife came out with a strong tug, and a cry of pain from my son. Peter fell right into my arms and cried out in pain as I grabbed one of his arms to keep him steady. I picked him up and flew him back to the tower as quickly as I could.

"Bruce!" I called out. "JARVIS where's Bruce?!"

"Right here Tones!" he called back. "What's- Holy shit."

"Two knives impaled his arms, Bruce he's bleeding badly. We need to get him in the medbay now!"

Peter's POV

When I woke up again, Dad was there by my side, and I could tell by the change of scenery, I was in the medbay.

"Hey Pete," Dad said. "How ya feelin'?

"Fine," I replied. "My arms are a bit sore. Is Mom nearby?"

"Yeah she's-" Dad started. "On her way back down."

"Oh thank god Peter," Mom said as she walked in the room. "I was starting to get really worried about you."

"Don't worry Pep," Dad said. "He's got my Stark Stubbornness. He couldn't die if he wanted to."

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