"No, stop!"

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Hi, I'm here to rip your hearts out. Enjoy this. ; )

-There are moments that the words don't reach.

There is suffering too terrible to name.

You hold your child as tight as you can.

And push away the unimaginable.-

It had all happened too quick. Steve, Tony, and Peter were called on a mission.

Then, Peter got taken.

Tony was trying anything and everything to find his kid. But all he got was an anonymous video.

"Hello Mr. Stark," the man said. "I'm sure you're looking for your son by now."

The man stepped away from the camera to show Peter up against a wall with his arms chained above his head. He was beaten and bloody, and was in a living hell.

"Dad... I'm so sorry..." Peter choked out.

Tony looked up at the screen, and spoke a "It's not your fault baby, I'll find you" before realizing Peter couldn't hear him.

The man took out a knife and slashed it slowly across Peter's face, while a few tears escaped Peter's eyes.

"Good luck finding him Stark," the man spoke again. "Better hurry up. There's no telling when I'll decide he should be dead."

The man walked back to Peter and turned on a device. Immediately, electricity started coursing through Peter's veins.

"No, stop! Please!" Peter screamed. "Please!"

Tony flinched away from the camera while he listened to his son's deafening screams.

"Dad! Please! It hurts!"

A tear streamed into Tony's eyes as he frantically tried to track the source of the message. "I'm trying, Petey. I'll save you."

"You should listen to the kid Stark," the man said, walking back towards the camera.

"You better hurry up, if you're lucky I won't break him permanently."

Seventy-six hours, twenty-seven minutes, and thirty-two agonizing seconds of little to no sleep, multiple cups of coffee, and endless thoughts of 'what ifs' later, Tony found Peter.

Tony got the signal and headed to the location as fast as possible. Tony took Steve and Natasha with him. Tony was so anxiety ridden, Steve and Natasha almost tried to leave him behind. But when he wouldn't back down, they agreed to let him come.

Steve and Natasha took out guards while Tony kept pushing forward. He had to get to Peter. He had to see his son. He had to get Peter home.

Before it was too late.

Tony burst into every room. Every hallway. Every corner of every crawlspace. And after what felt like an eternity of searching, Tony found his son.

Peter was deathly pale and beaten on the floor. Tony rushed over to him as quickly as he could, wanting more than anything for Peter to be safe and sound. "JARVIS, read vitals."

"Life functions critical," JARVIS replied. Tony's mouth dropped at the words, and tears began welling in his eyes. There wasn't enough time. Peter would be gone soon, and so Tony had to say something, anything, before his son disappeared from his life.

"Peter, honey?" Tony said as Steve and Nat ran in. "Are you awake?"

"D-Dad...?" Peter replied weakly. "I'm sorry... I love you... so much. This... isn't your f-fault."

And that was it. Tony curled over his son and sobbed, like nobody had ever seen him do before. Tony was never really one to let his guard down.

Steve and Nat watched with tears as Tony sobbed, not wanting to move the man away from his son while he grieved.

Peter, the boy all the Avengers loved so, so much, was gone. The ball of joy they had just begun to welcome to the team. Tony's son. Was gone. Peter Stark was no more.

Stark Stubbornness doesn't always work. Peter learned that the hard way.

-There are moments that the words don't reach.

There's a grace too powerful to name.

We push away what we can never understand.

We push away the unimaginable.-

Okay, sorry this is short af. I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Gonna be honest, I cried while writing the last couple paragraphs. Peter dying wasn't originally where I was gonna go with this but okay I guess. I'm gonna post a few today, so stick around kiddos.

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