"Hey, kid."

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Here comes post endgame whump. I'm sorry for how depressing this is gonna be. I hope you all enjoy it, because let's be real , this is what we all wanted in FFH.

Peter's POV:

He's been gone for three months now, and with each passing day it doesn't get any easier.  I miss him so much. He meant so much more to me than anyone could understand. Aunt May says she understands, and so does Happy, but they miss him in a different way. The kids at school, besides Ned and MJ, they just don't believe me. They think I'm sad like any normal kid, and that he never really was my mentor. They still don't even know I'm Spider-Man. 

I try to keep a happy face on when I go to Pepper's house. Morgan isn't quite old enough to fully understand yet, so she loves having an older brother figure in the house. If Mr. Stark was still here, he'd tell me to never let her go. And don't worry, Tony, I won't. 

After yet another long day at school, I head out for patrol. Or at least I try to. Aunt May calls me before I get anywhere and tells me to come home asap. I decide maybe I'll just go out later, I have plenty of homework anyway. 

"Hey, Pete," May greets. I give a friendly wave and set my bag down.

"What's going on, Aunt May?" I ask, curious as to what could be so important.

"Ms. Potts came by earlier," May says. "She left a package for you. Says she found it in Mr. Stark's lab. And he adressed it to you."

Just the mention of his name is enough to nearly send me into tears. I need him more than even he could know. I thank May and head to my room to open the package. 

I open it, and it's a small flashdrive. It says... T.O.N.Y. I take out the flashdrive and underneath is a small piece of paper. 

Hey Spidey. I know I may not ever get you back, but... if I do, and I'm not here anymore, you should have this. Put it into the flashdrive slot in your suit. I promise you won't regret it.                                                                                                                                                                                -T.S.

I insert the drive into the slot in my suit, still not really sure what could be going on here. But it's a present from Tony, and if I can't have him, I'll cherish this forever. 

The next thing I know, I'm in my suit, the Iron-Man like material all around me. My favorite suit. The IronSpider. It just reminds me so much of him. And it's quite handy for most situations. It has all the tricks and toys you could possibly want built in. The red and gold made us nearly twin, and you know what they say, like father like... son. 

That's the only thing that was ever missing. All I ever wanted to tell Mr. Stark was I love you. Or just call him Dad. Once. Just to see what would happen. I miss him more than words, and I truly say him as a father. But nobody could ever understand that. Which is why I rely on the adorable four year old he left behind, and I will continue to protect her like she's my own sister, because in my eyes, she is.

I try saying, "Hey, Karen," and of course, nothing. My suit doesn't even show a glimmer of light around me. All of a sudden, the A.I. lights up my mask, and I hear the voice I've missed in my life for so long now. His voice. Tony's voice.

"Hey, kid."

My mouth goes agape, I can't even begin to describe what I'm feeling.

"Tony?" I ask.

"Well, not really, but I am an A.I. and I am voiced by Tony Stark, so you can call me Tony if you like," he suggests. "Or maybe you'd prefer Mr. Stark."

I can almost hear the smirk when he says that, and that's when I know he truly programmed himself. All his personality traits, his voice, his expressions, and all of his love.

"Hey, Mr. Stark," I say, holding back my own tears.

"Is that sorrow I'm sensing?" Tony asks. "Pete, it's okay. I'm okay, and so are you."

"I just... I miss you, so much," I sob.

"That reminds me kiddo, I have a message for you," he replies. "Would you like me to play it?"

"Of course," I smile, finally feeling at peace as he talks to me again.

Hey, kid. I hope you never have to see this, I really do. Peter, I'm so sorry. This time travel thing is really scaring me, and I thought I should leave you a message. I need you back, and I will do whatever that takes. You didn't deserve what Thanos did to you. And if it takes my own life to get you back on this Earth, I will not hesitate. But I can't live without you any longer. I hope to see you soon, kiddo. I miss you so much, you're like a son to me. I hope you know that. I hope I have the courage to tell you someday. I love you, kid. And if you're watching this, just know, I did it for you. Not because I wanted to leave you. I'll wait for you up in sky, Pete. And remeber, I'm always watching, so be good for that aunt of yours okay? And promise me you'll make sure Pepper's okay, along with Morgan. They're my girls. Well, anyway, see you later, kid.

"Goodbye, Tony."

Damn, I just rippped my own heart out trying to write this. This is a very old request from POJ_HOO_fanfics. I hope you all enjoyed, and I hope I didn't break anybody's hearts with this one. When I got this request, I nearly cried just thinking about it, so I hope y'all are okay. Anyway, till next time kiddos. I love you all 3000.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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