The Field Trip From Hell: Part 2

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Here's part 2! Enjoy!


After lunch, the class headed to the training room and the personal labs. Peter was praying nobody would mention one of those labs was his.

Clint, of course, had managed to rope Sam into a prank to be played on Peter, so Clint was ecstatic upon hearing they were coming to the training center.

"Okay kiddos," Clint began. "Keep your guard up, there could be pranksters around." All the students laughed at the joke, but Peter knew exactly what that meant. His eyes went wide, and before his spidey senses could pick up on it, Sam was dumping water over his head.

"Sucks to be you Petey boy!" Sam yelled as Bucky came running in and dumped another bucket of water on him.

"Do that again Bucky and I won't spar with you later!" Peter laughed it off, not even realizing he had called him 'Bucky' and not 'Mr. Barnes' or something like that.

"Your loss," Bucky replied with a smirk.

"I told you they were down here Peter," Natasha said, walking in with some clothes from Peter's closet in his room in the compound.

"Thanks Nat," Peter replied, once again not thinking about the name while everyone stared. Peter had suddenly gone from a lying nobody to the coolest guy in the class.

"Yeah, of course," Natasha said. "Excuse me, but may I take Peter out of class for a few moments? He kind of needs to change his dripping wet clothes."

"Uh- y-yeah of course," the teacher replied, dumbstruck.


When Peter returned, Amy and the tour group were in another lab. Peter scanned his badge and walked in, the door clicking and alerting the others of his arrival.

"Hi, Peter," Amy said. "Glad to see you aren't soaking wet anymore."

"Yeah," Peter said with a laugh. "Me too, Amy."

"They're working on the project you came up with," Amy said. "I told them it wouldn't be fair for you to join a group since you made the design."

"Oh, thanks Amy," Peter replied. "Glad my design was good enough."

"Good enough?" Amy said, shocked. "Peter, it was amazing!"

"Th-thanks, but I- I really-"

"Nope," Amy said. "It's amazing and you can't change my mind."

"Okay, fine," Peter replied. "Do you mind if I step out for a second? I need to find Mr. Stark and tell him thanks for the lunch, and I have a new piece of my project done. I want him to look over it."

"Of course!" Amy said. "But don't take more than ten minutes, I don't want to lose you, or for your classmates to be suspicious."

"Okay," Peter replied. "Be back in ten."

When Peter came back, the students were finishing up the project.

"Peter, since it was your design," Amy said, "why don't you pick the winner?"

"Oh- I- um..." Peter said. "I think someone would think it was biased."

"Oh fine," Amy replied. "Make me do the hard work. You know I hate choosing things."

"Yes," Peter said jokingly. "That's why I'm making you do it."

After the project competition, the students headed to Peter's lab. Of. Course. The students were in shock of how much superhero stuff there was in Peter's lab. Especially Spider-Man. Betty was the first to voice her confusion. "Peter, why is there so much Spider-Man stuff on your desk?"

"Uh- well..." Peter said, the wheels in his head turning as quickly as possible to think of an answer to that. "I... I'm Mr. Stark's personal intern, as you know, so I uh- work on some things for the Avengers. Mostly Spider-Man."

The students walked around for a bit, being careful not to touch anything. Flash seemed to leave Peter alone during this time, possibly finding some respect for Peter since he worked for Spider-Man, Flash's idol. God, if only he knew.

The students then headed to Tony's lab, meeting Tony Stark inside, who gave a quick wave and wink to Peter. "Hello Midtown Tech!" he said with a signature press smile. "I'm here for about 30 minutes to answer any questions you have."

Flash was the first to raise his hand. "Do you hire high schoolers?" So much for newfound respect for Peter.

"No, I only hire college level applicants," Tony said.

"So you don't know Pen- Peter?" Flash asked.

"Yes, I do," Tony replied. "He actually works here. He's my only high school level worker. In fact, he's my personal intern."

"Wait- what?" Flash asked, dumbstruck. "How could you hire a nobody like him? Penis, how much did you pay Stark to pretend to know you?"

"Did you just call Peter 'Penis?'" Tony asked, ignoring the asshole that just insulted his surrogate son.

"Yeah, he's such a loser, don't you think?" Flash said, still not picking up on the fact that Tony really did know Peter.

"Mr. Stark," Peter said quickly. "No-no it's just a joke."

"Peter, stop," Tony replied. "The team and I have been suspicious for months."

Tony turned back to Flash. "Okay, so," he tapped on his glasses, "Eugene Thompson. Here's what you're going to do. First, you will never get a job here with an attitude like that. Second of all, you're banned from this building starting after I'm done talking to you so I'd suggest you run your ass off when I'm done. Third of all, if I or any of the Avengers hear you talk to or about Peter again, I will make sure you never get into any college you apply to and I will ruin you."

"I don't think you can-" Flash started.

"Yes the hell I can," Tony said. "Now get out. Oh, and I'll be keeping Peter, Mr. Teacher. He's staying this weekend anyway. Everyone else, you can leave. Tour's over. Oh, hey Ned and MJ! You two can feel free to stay as well."

"Th-thank you sir," Ned stuttered, running over to Peter and following him anxiously to Peter's personal lab. Tony laughed knowing Ned was still nervous around him.

"Is Miss Potts here?" MJ asked as other were rushing out. "I'd like to have another interview with her. The fans loved her first one."

"Friday?" Tony called.

"Miss Potts appears to be free and said she would love to talk to Miss Jones again," Friday replied. "She is in her office, on floor two."

"Thanks!" MJ called back to Tony and Friday, rushing to see Miss Potts.

Tony laughed again at the sight of it. He never thought he'd care so much about a kid, but Peter? Peter was special. And Tony was so grateful to have him in his life. He even saw the young boy as a son.

Okay this probably doesn't qualify as whump, but I still love it, and I hope you guys do too. I've been wanting to do a field trip oneshot for so long, and it turned out so well in my opinion. Requests are still open! Feel free to leave anything! Also, thank you gimiwan for the whump bingo board! I'm going to use those very soon!

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