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*Peter is Tony and Steve's son. This is a superfamily Civil War AU story, with some Endgame when it switches to Tony's Pov. The last one was a lot shorter so here, have some more detail. It is an AU so some things will definitely be different. Man x man.  If you don't like it, then don't read it. Okay, on with the story. Also, if you don't like Stony, then here, happily watch it fall apart. The end has Pepperony and background Stucky btw.*

Peter's POV

I never thought Pops would betray the mission. Betray us. I thought we took priority. I thought we were the most important. But he still fought me and Dad. And he still left with his new boyfriend.

Dad told me his name was James Buchanan Barnes. Pops calls him Bucky. Dad also told me Bucky took priority to Pops. And Pops proved that when my Dad almost died, and it was Pops' fault.

This 'Bucky' killed my grandparents, but I can't blame him. He was under mind control. That's not what hurts; what hurts is that Pops lied. To me, to the team, and most of all, he lied to Dad.

What happened isn't Bucky's fault, but Pops should've told Dad. But instead, he kept it from him. From us. And so no, I don't blame Dad for his reaction. But I do blame Pops for leaving Dad there to die. I don't know what Pops had in his head, or what he thought he could gain from leaving us for Bucky. But now it doesn't matter. I can't forgive him for what he did. Ever.

He didn't even read the accords. And when I was there for the conversation, and both Dad and I said we should sign, he fought us on it. And then he disappeared.

When we saw him again, he showed up with Bucky, Wanda, Uncle Clint, Uncle Falcon, and someone new who's name was Scott.

To make matters worse, Aunt Nat turned on us. She said she was on our side. But I guess not. It was all a game. Guess the double agent thing runs in the family with her.

I never thought I'd end up fighting Pops that day. I just wanted him to come home.

"Alright, I've run out of patience. Underoos!" Dad called.

I flipped in, webbed up Pops' hands and stole his shield. It felt good honestly, but it wasn't what I wanted. I wanted my family back.

"Hey everyone," I said.

"Tony, what the hell? Peter I thought I told you to stay out of this."

"And we told you to sign," I retaliated. "Please Pops, come home. I want my Dads back. Together. I want my aunts and uncles. I want the team."

"Peter, I can't."

"Pops, you know how this'll go. This doesn't have to end in a fight."

That was the worst day of my life. I needed my parents. Together. I didn't need some petty bullshit over this new guy with a metal arm and government supervision.

Pops was out on the field alone. I tried to avoid him, but eventually I couldn't anymore.

I swooped down to try and grab the shield again after Scott stole it back. Pops flung it at me; apparently he thought it was a good day to decapitate me.

"That thing seriously does not obey the laws of physics at all," I said from my perch on top of an airplane terminal.

"Look, Pete, there's a lot going on here that you don't understand."

"Why, 'cause I'm fourteen? Dad said you'd say that." I fired my webs at him. "He also said to go for your legs."

Next thing I know, I'm flying into Pops' shield. It hurt like a bitch, but I wasn't willing to let him know that. I had super strength anyway. It'd be fine.

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