03. send help

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Send Help

"OHMYGOD. ohmygodohmygodohmygod--" you rattled on, switching from running your hands to your face and slapping it with both hands repeatedly to the point where your entire face turned a shade of red.

Yumiko shoots you a worried look then moved her gaze on the path front of you. "So you punched a guy. Big deal."

"A guy from the hero course!" you add, swinging your arms down exaggeratingly.

The girl beside you shook her head. "He was being too close, L/n. I heard he can be a real flirt."

You're breathing so hard you're close to hyperventilating while clutching your blazer tightly in your hands. "That exploding dude looked at me like he was going to murder me!"

The statement made the brunette stifle in a snort. "Bakugou Katsuki? Uh, he looks at everybody that way. Imagine working with him one day...probs gonna be one hell of a mess."

None of you from your course want to cross with your aspiring hero batchmates. Observing their performances during the Sports Festival got you having the jitters whenever you get in the same room as them. You got inspired to work even harder at some point, but that's just about it.

The stories going around about the department are mostly negative, thanks to the declaration Bakugou Katsuki had made in the sports event. Not a lot were happy with it, though, you didn't think you shouldn't involve yourself with the drama since your course had nothing to do with it. You didn't take his words at heart, but you were shaken and surprised that he was a man of his word and got the place he so condescendingly proclaimed.

"I need to get back to the classroom." You announced with a sigh as Yumiko quirked a brow. "We still have about 40 minutes before classes resume."

You shrugged, feeling helpless. "You can go on ahead, Miko. I'm sorry."

Your best friend shook her head, her hair swaying with the motion while she places a gentle hold on your shoulder. "It's cool, L/n. I'll go with you."

She grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the hallway and into your classroom, where there was only the two of you and a few of your classmates milling around, talking amongst each other. You found your seat and fell down on it, already slumped and exhausted. You moved against your will and start pulling out notebooks and textbooks.

You frowned, sorting through your bag and found no traces of the item you were looking for. Panic and confusion tugged at your chest and you knelt down beside your bag, emptying it, your supplies covering the floor. You looked through the pile while beads of sweat cascaded down your forehead.


Yumiko knelt down beside you, worry in her eyes. "What is it?"

Without looking at her, you emptied the pockets of your bag. "My pencil case...it's not here."

"What!? I saw you have it with you during lunch!"

"That's what I thought too," you mumbled, and fell limp into a sitting position, running your hand across your already messy hair. You took off your glasses and rubbed the space between your eyes, ridding it of sweat. Then a thought occurred to you making you swallow in disbelief. "Unless..."

A knock on your classroom door interrupted your concluding thoughts and you stood up, flattening your skirt and went to open it.

At first, you did not want to believe who the person was standing in front of you, with your pencil case in his hands. You took off your glasses and rubbed your eyes with the heels of your palms before you putting it back on and blinked several times.

"Um. Hehe. I-is L/n there?"

You gaped at the boy whose name, Kaminari Denki, is standing in front of you. aka the electric hero student from class A; aka the dude you just punched in the cafeteria.

Your glasses went askew on your nose the longer you stared at him. His nervous gaze found yours and you both just stared at each other; both nervous and mentally asking the world: "Why?"

"So uh. L/n, Y/n...I believe this is...yours?" he hesitantly asked, his hands shaking as he gives you the pencil case. Your pencil case.

You adjusted your glasses and without looking at him, grabbed your pencil case, muttering a quiet, "Thank you."

Kaminari forced out a chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well uh...I'll catch you around, I guess."

He hovered there for quite some time and a sigh escaped his lips before he turned down the hallway silently. You looked up to see him go, nervously nibbling on your lips. When he was no longer there, you went inside your classroom and close the door.

He looked like as if he was waiting for an apology...or looked like making one himself. It made you relieve that he did not take your violent move the wrong way and is under the same predicament as he is. But he did not deserve such a weight. You brought it to him.

You should apologize to him. You'll find the time for that.

And later, is a good time as any.

(A/N: dear lord, i literally forget to add the detail that our reader is wearing glasses. fml. im sorry if the addition seemed sudden, yall. my brain is fucked up.

Ily!! Thank you for reading! <33)

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