04. onward, march!

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Onward, march!

Kaminari groaned out loud as he slammed his head on his desk, earning the attention of few of his classmates that turned his way.

"What's wrong, Joey?" Jiro asked his seatmate, twirling an earjack in her finger. Kaminari, whose head remained planted on his desk, looked at the ravenette with sad, miserable eyes that made her cringe in concern. "Are you okay? You look worse than usual..."

"...was it about the girl?"

Kaminari swung his arms up. "Yes! It was about her, okay?!" he sobbed, hitting his head on his desk repeatedly. Jiro rolled her eyes and poked him hard with her earjack. "What happened? And honestly, stop doing that. You're being noisy."

He pouted at her while rubbing his ear. Just how many of these female beings are gonna harrass him like this?! It's not even the kind that he wants!! Will this be the only way he'd be able to interact with women?!!

"I looked like an idiot."

"You always look like an idiot."

"You're not helping," he grumbled, slumping on his chair. Jiro smiled a small smile his way. "Well, it would help if you talk about it. I heard the commotion--"

"Will you all just please stop it with the punching??!" he screeched, his fingers clenching. Jiro and the others around him could feel the electric current he was emitting and she placatingly held both of her hands up. "Okay, cool down Joey. I just wanna ask what's wrong."

"It's...I didn't...apologize to her..." he gave up, feeling down once more at remembering how he just left her without so much as an apology for what he did. So yeah, she punched him. She only punched him, because he was being a flirt so he feels responsible for his shame and pain. He felt like he deserved that punch for some reason. He doesn't usually get this kind of reaction from a girl, well, save from Jiro. Others would giggle at him, send him disgusting and uncomfortable looks, or just flat-out ignore him. He might've made that girl really uncomfortable and his section doesn't already have a pretty image going around school either. He did not want to worsen that picture anymore.

He pushed himself off his chair, feeling the course of grim determination pulsing through his body. The legs scraping on the ground made a really loud noise that silenced the chatter in the classroom. Kaminari stared at his classmates dumbfoundedly. Them at him curiously.

Iida was the first to break the ice, yelling with that authoritative-class-president voice accompanied by his infamous air-chops. "Kaminari, sit down! Class has not even started and you're being noisy!"

"You're the one being noisy-" Sero pointed out and Iida buried his face with his hands, suddenly ashamed of himself. "The dilemmas of being class president..."

The electric hero, who had no fucking idea why he just did that, sat back down. Jiro hissed a question, only to be drowned out with one, loud thought in his mind: He is going to go to the business class.

(A/N: *screams in no update* school has been catching up to my free time lately. Ughhhhh this came out really late.)

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