Chapter Two : He can fit down here !

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When the group of elves came to Halloweentown one of them said " this place looks scary !" They kept on walking when they made it to town square but lock,shock and barrel spotted them when they came out of the hinterlands.

Shock had an idea. An awful idea she tells lock and barrel " lets kidnap the old big red lobster man like from the good old days !" Lock and barrel agreed with her so the walking bathtub March to the hinterlands as they reach to the holiday Christmas tree door. In they go to the Christmas Vortex as they say " wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! "

Meanwhile jack ended up in the human world at midnight with his dog zero. As he opened up his eyes he was shock and tells zero " what is this ?, new buildings ? " as he enter the store one of the employee that worked there looked surprised and said to him " must be Jack Skellington from Halloweentown ?!" Jack Skellington nodded and reply's to her " yes it is the one and only Jack Skellington the pumpkin king ! " as he laughs showing his dog named zero. He him self started to sing what's this ?.

What's this? What's this?
There's color everywhere
What's this?
There's white rectangle boxes everywhere
What's this?
I can't believe my eyes
I must be dreaming
Wake up, Jack, this isn't fair
What's this?

What's this? What's this?
There's something very wrong
What's this?
There's people giving out green rectangle paper to the employees

What's this?
There's a group of people in line
Trying to buy them here or there
Everybody seems so happy
Have I possibly gone daffy?
What is this?
What's this?

One of the employee interrupts his singing " sir it's called an iPhone and iPads. Green rectangle paper is called money just to correct what you are talking about."

He looked surprised as he touches the phone. Back in Christmas Town Santa wrote down a note for mrs. Claus and he told her to take it and read it after when he gets done being kidnapped by lock,shock and barrel.
The front door bell rang as Santa talks as a fake argument to mrs.claus " I don't say Ho Ho Ho, it's a myth, fake news !" As he shake his hands back and forth then opening the front door,they threw a bag over him and quietly closed the door while mrs claus reply's to him " you do say Ho Ho Ho a lot, when you are done looking at the naughty and nice list.. mr clause ???" She popped her head around the corner and she wonders where he went too and she remembered he gave a note to her to read it. The note said " being taken by lock,shock and barrel who used to work for the boogeyman when you see Jack Skellington In Christmas town tell him I been kidnapped by those three naughty children and I know that sally the rag doll will be saving me like the last time when I was in Halloweentown." She put the note on the table and continue to bake more pies and cookies meanwhile lock,shock and barrel made it make to Halloweentown towards their treehouse.

In the town square the group of elves stopped by at Dr. finkelstein's place where he open the front door and see a group of elves starring at him and talking at the same time " we're looking for sally the rag doll , do you know where she is ???" Dr.finkelstein was busy and too much to do for planning the next Halloween by the order of Jack Skellington. He signed and reply's to Mrs. Jewels where sally is. Mrs. Jewels tells him she lives in Jack Skellington house now she is no longer working with Dr. finkelstein then she headed back to make homemade stew for the Dr. the elves got their answers and they headed back to the town square and they stopped and watch the mayor of Halloweentown still panicking over jack is missing. They kept on walking until they made it up the stairs to jack's house they saw a spider as a door bell one of the elves said " should we ring the door then suddenly sally opened the front door to go into the Witches shop the best bargain in town as they say.

Sally smiled at them and say " hello, nice to meet y'all. I think y'all far away to you're Christmas town why are you doing here ?. The elves reply's to her answer " Santa has been kidnapped by lock shock and barrel mrs claus is worried sick and she baking lots of cake and pies in her kitchen so she doesn't stress.." she dashed down the stairs quick as lighting when she hears a group of Instruments Band started to play making Christmas.

It was twelve o'clock when the trick or treaters made it back to their treehouse , Santa was was half way out of the bag but his hand is tied up over his head. Lock the devil smilies wickedly when he grabbed the plunger starring at him he announces " welcome Santa Claus or should I say,, big red lobster man?! " as he laughs while he watches the walking bathtub going to the chute Santa rolled his eye balls annoyed at them and reply's to them " don't do this , Jack will probably beat you three goons on Christmas Eve!!" As he felt a plunger was sinking in onto his butt and shock laughs at the situation seeing Santa Claus getting tortured on the opening chute.
Barrel smiled and grabbed his pitchfork and started poking him with it as Santa moans inside the chute. Lock shoves the plunger again while he see's Santa kicking his legs back and forth every time they spank santa with a broom, plunger and a pitchfork.

Shock shouted to them " I think he has too big of a buttocks!" As they spanked his butt again. Santa replied " oooooooooh!" Lock unstuck the plunger against Santa Claus butt and looked back at shock and barrel and mockingly " no he's not! As he looks back at his holly print underwear * if he can go down the chimney, * shoves a plunger up his butt again * and he can fit * shoves * down * shoves one last time while shock and barrel still helping * here!!!! " inside he goes all crammed up as his legs kick and went inside the chute the three of them laughed and drop their broom plunger and pitchfork as they listened to Santa grunting down the metal chute having a big lumps showing while going down the chimney and he made it onto the lair that use to belong to Oogie Boogie.

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