Chapter Seven : Facing Of Lock's Wrath

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Jack jumps backwards as Fire & Ice Skeletons slammed their weapons making it as a shock wave and striking the ground to stun Jack Skellington. Lock was laughing in the corner thinking that jack wouldn't win this time he decided to join the fun by
Dropping from the sky with a plunger.
As he announces to jack the pumpkin king " I maybe a trick-or-treating brat holding up a plunger, but I'm not afraid to use it !" As he started to laugh maniacally. Jack is all ready annoyed of his laughter so he used his soul robber to beat the crap outta him until he is ready to give up. Lock summons the dark forces in his treehouse calling all the ghosts and goblins as he aimed the plunger towards Jack Skellington letting him know what he really can do. The sky was turning dark and purple following by the wind blowing heavily as the town citizens hide in their houses to protect themselves.

Santa Claus cleared the sky from lock's forbidding art's spell. Shock pop up out of nowhere throwing her spell towards jack of the Thorny walls again while laughing then she uses to call upon the seeker that looks like a tall big light green fire ball that can float from the air as she orders it to find sally the rag doll and bring her here to the treehouse as it floats away towards the town square as faster then lighting. Jack tried to block it but it was too fast for the pumpkin king himself.

As he was frustrated with lock and shock he uses his secret weapon as he transformed himself as Santa Jack and threw a present at them as they watch it opened they both fell backwards onto the ground.
Jack reply's to them " Merry Christmas.!"
Back in the town square Santa saw what was coming towards sally and jack's house so he raised his right hand up high to snap his fingers to make the seeker disappear in the thin air. He told sally it is safe to come out he told the two witches to let sally brew some potions in their witches shop. Sally took few of her ingredients to the shop as they began making it into the cauldron while Santa head back to the graveyard and help jack fight against Fire and Ice King Skeletons.

By the moment to soon jack used his strategy by switching to pumpkin king and Santa jack over and over until the Ice king Skeleton exploded to thousands of pieces. The Fire king Skeleton wasn't happy that their army is losing against Jack Skellington and his followers.
The fire king Skeleton decided to turn into his shadow mode as he speaks to Jack Skellington furiously
" You know that you can not win this fight jack, you better just give up now while you still can.!"
Santa came in the nick of time and reply's to the enemy " jack ain't giving up, he will be saving his town along with his peoples,and you can go back where you came from.!" The Fire king laughed at Santa's nonsense comment and continues to fight jack and looked back at Santa as he replies to him " Stay out of this old man.!" By the moment that he said that to him Santa snapped his right fingers to make snow appear over the big monster and it landed on top of him as fast as lightning. As the Fire king Skeleton struggles to get out of the snow suddenly he exploded the same way as Ice king Skeleton did.
Santa replied to his comment " Who's the old man now. ?" Jack was shocked on what was happening just now and he told sandy Claws " Thanks for helping me out and that was impressive on how you did to defeat fire king Skeleton."
Santa reply's to jack " you're welcome and he shouldn't called me an old man and that is what he gets. Sally are you done making the potion from the witches shop ?" As he holds up a yellow and black walkie-talkie next to his face. She replies to him behind his back " yes sir." She gives it to him as he holds it in his hand and he tells jack " y'all two can stay here while I face the man eating wreath in his lair. Don't be following me while I go inside the treehouse." He walk towards the wooden old treehouse and enters inside the back door.
Jack turns to sally and whispers to her " what was that in the bottle ?" She reply's back to him " It will turn the man eating wreath good instead of bad, I think everyone should have a second chance would you ?." Jack would've agreed more as the both of them stared at the treehouse.

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