Chapter Eight: Holding Out for a Hero

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Dustin grabbed your arm and harshly pulled you back inside closing the gate.

"Ouch!" You exclaimed touching your arm as you glared at your brother.

"Are you insane!?" He exclaimed "They could've barged in any moment!"

"Jeez! Sorry" you said "It's just... they are gone" tears fell down again "And it's my fault! I could've done something! Helped them close the door, Steve, he pushed me and Robin, oh Robin I hope she's okay, What if they kill them before we get help? Oh god I don't know what do anymore I just-"

Dustin grabbed your shoulders tightly and shook "Calm down!" he exclaimed not letting go of your shoulders "No one's going to die, you hear me? We'll come up with something! You need to be calm so we can get the shit outta here"

You stared at him speechless "I know you are worried, I am too, but we need to stick together and come up with a plan to save them before it's to late"

You nodded and he finally let you go.

"For now let's crawl around and find and exit" Dustin started and Erica followed, with you behind both kids.

Footsteps above you echoed around the vents as you crawled around, trying to keep the tears and negative thoughts away. You could hear Erica and Dustin talking and you tried lo listen to their conversation to keep you distracted but it was harder with every passing second.

You found yourselves stuck, Dustin was trying to open a panel to stop the moving fan so you could continue moving, you felt more relaxed now as you heard Dustin talking to Erica about what happened with the Demodogs.

"By 'we' you are including Lucas?" Erica sounded unconvinced and you smiled breathing a little loudly through your nose.

"Of course" Dustin looked at Erica for a moment and went back to the task at hand

"So, all that shit you told me, Lucas was there?"

Dustin nodded

"Really? My brother? Lucas Sinclair?"

"Yes!" Dustin's voice was louder now, your smile widened. You remembered how Lucas was always the most fearful of the group, you guessed that hadn't changed thanks to Erica's doubt but you believed Dustin, if he said Lucas was there, then Lucas was there.

"I don't believe you" she finally said and you giggled.

"Wait, so you believe everything about El and the gate, and the Demodogs and the Mind Flayer, but you question your brother's involvement?"

It was hilarious, really, how could Erica believe that sci-fi story and not his brother's involvement was beyond you, but at least it made you laugh while everything else around you seemed to fall apart in chaos.

"That's correct" she said with a nod.

"Makes total sense" to your surprise Dustin agreed, your suspicions were true after all, he was still the same fearful kid like all those years ago.

"Do you need help with that?" you asked, your voice barely audible and a little raspy.

"No" he said and you shrugged, letting him continue. Erica was having none of that though.

"Well, it's taking a while so-" she said

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock" Dustin looked annoyed as hell.

"All right, so if we don't find a more efficient method to stop this fans, we are never gonna find help and your ice cream buddies are screwed"

Your breath hitched and you looked at Dustin, fear flooding your eyes, what if she was right?. He noticed but said nothing turning his attention to Erica once again.

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