Chapter Nine: Who Is In Your Heart Now?

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You were driving as fast as you could ignoring Steve's complaints as the car bumped harshly.

The car jumped again and you cursed under your breath, the tunnel seemed endless and your anxiety was killing you.

"Jesus! Slow down" you heard Steve say.

"Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" Robin said, their voices slurred and you tried to calm your breathing. You heard them arguing at the back, Robin called Steve a dingus and you'd have laughed if you weren't anxious as hell. Then they laughed loudly, your stomach sunk a little but you pushed the feeling aside.

"What is wrong with them?" Erica asked

"I don't know!" Dustin answered, worry lacing his voice. You looked at the kids beside you and tried to look at the teens behind.

"Y/N be careful!" Erica screamed and your attention went back to the road, passed a ramp rapidly and lost control of the car, crashing against some barrels. Steve and Robin groaned and you looked at them.

"Are you guys okay?" you asked

"They're fine" Dustin said and stepped out of the car with Erica, you did the same rushing towards the back to help Steve and Robin out. Dustin opened the door.

"Let's go!"

Steve and Robin sat up slowly "Come on! We have to go!" Dustin ushered them

"Come on!" Your mixed voices were desperate as Steve and Robin tried to stand. Dustin grabbed Steve's arm and pulled him harshly, he stumbled into your arms. You caught him and he looked at you with a smile and half lidded eyes.

"Hey there cutie" he said and you blushed

"Hey!" You turned towards Robin, Steve still in your arms "Catch me too my knight in shinning armor" she moves her arms widely around and jumped towards you, you managed to catch her just as Dustin opened the elevator's door.

He walked back towards you and helped you with the two giggling teens, Erica walking behind you with both eyebrows raised.

As soon as the doors closed, Steve and Robin started goofing around. Steve was on a cart and Robin was moving it.

"Steve! You are surfing" you rolled your eyes.

"They seem drunk" Erica noted.

"Why would they be drunk?" Dustin asked and your mind clicked.

"Whooossshhhhh" Steve moved his arms trying to regain his balance and then fell. Dustin rushed to his side, Steve's eyes were closed as he laughed, Dustin placed his hand on his forehead

Steve opened his eyes "Y/N?"

"It's Dustin and he's burning up"

"You are burning up" Steve started placing his hand on Dustin's face trying to push him away. You heard them talking as Robin approached you, eyes unfocused and a smile adorning her face.

"You look so pretty today Y/N" she said, placing her arms around your neck and hugged you

"Thanks Robin, you too"

"Your hair is so pretty and you smell nice" she breathed deeply

"Hey! I want to hug her too" Steve said angrily "Ouch"

"His pupils are super dilated" Dustin looked at you. You grabbed Robin's face and looked into her eyes, hers were dilated too.

"Are you going to kiss me?" she giggled and made kissy faces at you "No fair!" you heard Steve in the background.

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