Chapther Twelve: No Salvation

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Steve was shaking as Dustin ran towards the ambulance. Robin and Erica quickly catching up with Steve.

"Steve, are you okay?" Robin asked, he broke down completely, his sobbing answering her question as he shook uncontrollably, his hands hiding his eyes, embarrassed by the tears running freely down his face. Robin hugged and Erica just stood there awkwardly patting his back.

Soon, Hopper was standing next to him with the rest of the party. Joyce looked worriedly at him, Will safely hugging her side.

"Hey kid" Steve looked up at him, his hair messy, his eyes red and puffy "What happened?"

Steve tried to explain but his sobs interrupted, El decided to explain for him.

"She saved me" She said, her voice loud enough for them to hear "And Billy" Hopper looked behind them, Billy and Max were inside another ambulance.

"Let's all go to the hospital" Hopper decided and everyone followed behind him.


Dustin cried into his hands, his sobs filling the quiet room as he waited for any news. He was afraid, and he felt lonely.

He looked up and closed his eyes with a sigh, he was tired but he couldn't sleep now, not until he knew you were fine.

Running footsteps alerted him and he stood up quickly, gasping when someone tackled him on a hug, it was Steve. He returned the hug just as tightly as he sobbed, he could feel Steve doing the same. Robin appeared and joined the hug, and soon the rest of the party, except for Joyce and Hopper.

Sam Owens appeared as soon as he heard Hopper's voice. "How're the kids?" He asked, Joyce standing next to her.

"The Hargrove kid is just fine, any sign of the creature on his body are gone, he's stable and he'll be able to leave in minutes"

"What about Henderson?"

"The doctors stopped the bleeding and stabilized her but she need to go someplace safe, the press may appear here and we need to keep all this hidden, it is still unknown if she is infected or not but we have to move fast"

Hopper nodded and turned to Joyce and called for Murray, Nancy and Jonathan. They walked towards him ready to follow his orders "We have a small problem"

"She's stable but she can't stay here much longer, there's also a chance she might me infected but we still don't know, we have to move her someplace safe, any ideas?"

"What about your cabin?" Murray asked

"It's destroyed" Nancy answered

"She can stay over at my place while we rebuild your cabin, I think it's better for her to stay away from civilization but while that happens my house is available"

They agreed, Jonathan and Nancy walked towards the kids to tell them the plan while Hopper, Joyce and Murray arranged the hospital scape with Owens.

Once inside Joyce's house, they laid Y/N on Jonathan's bed and the paramedics walked out. Joyce thanked them and they closed the door again.

"What am I going to tell my mom?" Dustin's voice broke the silence.

"We can tell her she's staying over at my house, we used to be veré close when we were younger" Robin offered "We'll go pick some fresh clothes tomorrow and I can help Joyce take care of her"

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