Chapter 11; Twins, Taming and Turbulence

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We walk along with Mala, who is now showing us aroud as we are dubbed no longer a threat. We were never a threat in the first place, but okay.

"That is the Temple of the Wing. And next to it is our healing center where both man and dragon can be treated." She motions to some building and I sigh, shifting my shoulders and hearing the bones crack. Opal nuzzles my hand and I smile, scratching her forehead.

"You can heal dragons?" Fishlegs nearly squeals in excitement and awe and I turn around with an incredoulus look on my face.

"Well for Thor's sake of course you can heal dragons. My riders and I......" I trail off when I realize I had been speaking quite loudly and shut my mouth, immediately looking down at the ground and clearing my throat awkwardly.

"For some injuries yes." Mala sounded a little hesitant after my confusion laced blurt but remained polite all the same. I applaud her good performance as a Queen, despite the whole trial fiasco I think she is an excellent leader.

"Perhaps we can show you some of the things we learned. And Star has even more knowledge!" He says eagerly and I lean back, uncomfortable at the prospect of being pulled into this conversation. I will NOT be sharing secrets thank you very much Mr. Fishlegs.

"We call it SageFruit. It calms even the most aggressive dragons. Makes them easier to handle." She pulls out the fruit she was feeding the dragons earlier and I felt my mouth water. Dang, I need to get my dragon under control. I see Opal sniff the fruit in apprehension and apparently likes it, chomping down on my one the Queen gives her.

"This is good. Very sweet. You should have some Star." She growls with her mouth full and I giggle a little shaking my head.

"Yes, very good my queen. You should eat it, makes you feel all calm and happy too." Toothless chimes in and I roll my eyes, still giggling at the two dragons.

"I would if I could, but I can't so I shan't. I need to be alert for whatever comes next guys. And don't talk with your mouths full, its quite disgusting. Not as quite as disgusting as it would be with fish or meat, but still disgusting nonetheless." I wrinkle my nose when Opal purposely grins with her mouth full of fruit and gag, pushing away her snout.

"Ew. You're absolutely disgusting." I choke and turn back to the other two, my face in a "ew gross!" expression. Hiccup looks mildly amused and seems to be trying to hold back a laugh. To which I stick out my tongue at him. Mala has a interested but yet amused expression on hers.

"So, that's the reason our dragons were so docile." Hiccup continues the conversation, still trying not to laugh. His face was slightly red now, from the strain. I found myself staring a little to long and avert my eyes back to the queen.

"And yet, when you were in danger, he ignored its effects. That was very impressive." She smiles at him. Hiccup grins and scratches Toothless on the neck.

"Well, Toothless is no ordinary dragon." The dragon in question nuzzles Hiccups stomach in affection, causing me to smile and Hiccup to hug his head. Opal gurgles from beside me and I kneel down, kissing her forehead and resting mine on her neck.

"You do have a connection with him Hiccup Haddock. I do not understand it, but I cannot deny it. And you, Star. Your dragon appeared out of thin air, defends you, and to protect your friends you move like one. A strong bond lays with you. One that I cannot pinpoint, that runs deeper than friendship." Mala praises me and I smile up at her, Opal purring and curling her tail around me.

"And the fact that you seem to talk to the dragons, the dragons respect you. I do not know if I will ever unravel your mystery, nor anyone else, but I know you are a talented person." She smiles and I stand putting out my hand.

The Dragon Queen; Book one, HTTYD fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now