Chapter 1 (bully)

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Why, why me. What did I do, where did I go wrong. Kachan why do you hate me so much, why do you put me through all this pain. I sat there tears running down my face as this certain ash blond beat me black and blue.

I looked straight into his red eyes before asking the one question that left him shocked "Why me what did I do where did I go wrong if you really want me dead then I will die is that what you want?" He stared at me wide eyed trying to think of an answer. Something in his eyes changed almost pity before they went cold again. "You better not die I'm not finished with you yet." I looked at him hurt did he really mean that. I jut stared at him wide eyed before he walked of. I just sat there for a minute before slowly making myself to the school roof and just sitting there, thinking.

No one will care if I jump right. I walked to the edge of the room staring down at the floor. I was about to jump when I felt two strong hands wrap around my waist and pull me into a tight embrace.

"Deku what the hell where you thinking didn't you get the message when I said I didn't want you to die?" I looked at him shocked.
"Then why the hell did you say it the other day why do you bully me Kachan what the hell did I do to you to make you hate me so much," I looked at him tears running down my face "I can't believe I was dumb enough to fall for someone like you." I pushed myself out of his arms before running downstairs and out the building without looking back.

I ran inside my house and straight up to my room slamming the door shut. I was glad my mum was at work today or else she would have asked what happened. I don't get it he hates me but then he cares is this all just a big game to him. I heard a soft knock on my door, I opened it to see Kachan standing there.
"How did you get in?" I asked whipping away my tears.
"You left the front door unlocked." He replied
I nodded before asking "What do you want?"
"I just wanna talk."
I nodded before letting him in my room. I sat back on my bed and he sat right next to me I looked straight into his eyes and it looked like he had been crying aswell.

Why was he crying this was his fault, was it because he knew he would be blamed and it would ruin his reputation. That's all it is.
"Other than what happened today is there anything else I should know about?" He asked looking at me and I could here the worry in his voice. I pulled my sleeves up revealing heaps of scars.
He just stared at me shocked before falling to his knees and crying.

How was chapter one
Ye hi I'm the author I hope you enjoy the book.
If your ever feeling down or at the point of ending it talk to someone and I'm here if anyone needs

Anyway if you got a problem with this book you have two options
One- Stop reading it
Two- Fight me bitch

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