Tell us what happened

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deku pov

I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes, I looked around and relised where I was. Recovery girls room. I looked around and noticed no one was here so i got up and went back to the dorms. As i walked in i saw todoroki and kachan both on the couch and they hadnt yet noticed me yet so i walked upstairs hearing yelling behind me. Well they noticed me.

I ran to my dorm room as quick as possible locking the door instintally. I made my way to my secret comparetment behimd my chested draws and pulled out my special box grabbing a blade.

I heard banging on my door but ignored it completley as i made one cut before i could add another my door bursted open and in came todoroki kachan and aizawa. oh shit!

Todoroki pov

After we got into izukus room he was sitting there tears running down his face and blade in hand I ran up to him quickly slowly taking the blade of him. I led him to the bathroom with bakugou following close behind as we cleaned the cut he managed to make before we could stop him. After rapping up his arm we sat him on the bed with serious looks on our faces.


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