Chapter 6 (Help?)

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As I got home for the weekend seeming mum was having friends over and wanted me there as well.
As I slowly approached the door for the horrors about to happen.
"There you are you little shit thinking you can hide from me at the school of yours." I heard my mum yell as she walked down the stairs and punched me straight in the stomach as I buckled over she kicked me which knocked me to the floor. "
Now go upstairs and get cleaned up you dirty little brat."She yelled at me as I quickly ran up the stairs and went into the bathroom.
I didn't bother to lock the door as I searched for my old blade. I'm sorry Kachan I just can't help it.
I started cutting I was just about to rap my arms up. Which both had about 20 cuts on each when two people walked into the bathroom. I looked up and there stood Todoroki and Kachan.
"Oh h-hi what a-are you'd doing here." I said.
"We where invited for dinner and what where you doing." Todoroki said.
"Nothing." I replied.
"Deku don't lie to us know show my your Fucking arm." Kachan said.
When I didn't show him he grabbed my arm and pulled it out in front of him.
"Deku you promised you where doing so well I thought you stopped once and for all what triggered you to do it this time."
I didn't answer and continued looking for my bandages before being pulled into my bedroom and sat on the bed in between both Kachan and Todoroki.
"Why do yous care?" I asked them.
They both sighed before looking at eachother and nodded.
"It's because we love you."They both answered at the same time. I looked at them shocked before answering,
"I love yous to."
I then felt a pair of lips on mine realising they where Kachans when we seperated it was Todorokis turn.
"Now Deku are you going to tell us what happened to make you cut again." Kachan asked.
I nodded and began explaining what my mum did to me ever since she found out I was quirkless she would beat me all the time just for exsisiting. I didn't notice the tears rushing down my face.
"Pack the rest of your stuff Deku your coming to mine when your not at the dorms."

I need help (bakutododeku)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum