Elladan & Ellrohir - Ornaments

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The door shut behind him with a barely audible click and Elladan peered down the seemingly deserted corridor. He glanced in both directions and was displeased to see there was not a single soul in the immediate vicinity. With an annoyed sigh he pulled his robe about him a little bit tighter and swiftly pulled his hair into a loose, messy bun; he had hoped to find a servant milling about but it seemed he would have to go in search of one.

Elladan winced as he took one ginger step forward before he began to limp slowly down one randomly picked the direction of the corridor. He hoped he'd come across one of the household helpers soon – his right foot throbbed mercilessly. Elladan had sustained the injury whilst he and Elrohir had been out on their errantry in the foothills of the Misty Mountains; and it was in fact the reason why they were currently in Imladris.

Elladan took another pained step forward and decided to lean upon the wall and shuffle along as it would be easier. He really ought to have let Elrohir get him a crutch as his twin had suggested last night but they had only just arrived, Elladan had been too tired and in the end had told Elrohir to leave off until the morning. He glared down at the offending foot. It was thickly swathed in pristine white bandages that hid the gruesome sight left behind by a warg bite to the ankle. There were several small but deep puncture wounds and Elrohir had been so worried about them becoming infected he had forced them both to return home.

Elladan shuffled on; he personally thought Elrohir had made a huge fuss for no real reason – he felt ok and the wound did not seem as though it would become infected. Still Elrohir had as usual tended to him meticulously and gotten him home safely without taking even an hour's sleep for himself. Hence Elrohir had been near on the verge of collapse when they had finally arrived back in Imladris last night – his over generous twin had spent far too much energy on him.

And that was the reason Elladan now shuffled along painfully in search of the household help. He wanted to treat Elrohir to breakfast in bed; and though he could not make it himself at the moment he wanted to send for a spread and have it all laid out for when his brother awoke. His twin deserved a little looking after now after the way he had tended to Elladan over the past few days.

Elladan rounded the corner and slowed as he heard a curious noise – it sounded rather like small, jingling bells. He shimmied forward a little further doing his best to remain as silent as possible. The sight that met him gave him cause to pause in his tracks.

It was Y/n who stood rather precariously upon a step ladder as he hung some tiny silver bells – Yuletide decorations – above the door to his suite. You was humming a traditional Noldor Yuletide tune to himself and Elladan hung back. He had forgotten the time of year – indeed Yuletide was in two days and Elladan cringed.

It had been a while since he and Elrohir had last been back for Yuletide; and had he not been drugged to kingdom come he might have remembered the season and refused to let Elrohir bring him back here. Now Elrohir would no doubt feel compelled to stay with their Adar over the holidays – for they had been making a real effort to reconnect with him again. Yet Elladan felt really anxious about it all; the thought of having to sit down to their first family Yuletide in years made him nervous. He was very sure that everything would be hideously, hopelessly awkward.

Much like his current scenario – did he continue on past You and risk the inevitable awkwardness that would ensue or did he turn around and drag himself off in the opposite direct?

Elladan cursed his luck and peered around the corner again. You had hung his bells and now rummaged in a box at his side for more decorations. This was another tradition he had all but forgotten about, so long had it been since he had celebrated Yule in Imladris. All the residents of the main house decorated their doorposts and frames as suited their individual tastes with Elrond jokingly awarding a 'winner' for best décor each year.

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