Chapter 1

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*Everleigh's P.O.V*
Tonight my friends and I are going to a club to celebrate Kinsley and her twin sister Ainsley's 23rd birthday. It's going to be a lot of fun. Right now I'm just watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, waiting for Kinsley, my best friend to get home to get ready with me. After about an hour and a half, Kinsley is finally here.
"Hey, Kins, took you long enough," I say opening the door when I see her walk up the driveway to the front door.
"Sorry. I had to work a little later than I thought but I'm here now, so let's get ready to go to the club. We have to meet the girls there in two hours," Kinsley says.
Kinsley and I go upstairs to start getting ready. Kinsley curls her and I straighten mine. Once we are finished with our hair, we do our makeup. Once Kinsley finishes her makeup, she goes to change and comes back out in a beautiful dress and a "Birthday Princess" sash. Once I'm finished with my makeup, I get changed as well. Once we are both ready, we go back downstairs and I order an Uber because we are not going to be driving after we have been drinking. The Uber is about three minutes away, so we put on our shoes and grab our things before heading out the door. We only wait outside for about a minute before our Uber pulls up. We get in and give the driver the address to the club we are going to. Once we get to the club, we head in and our friends are not even here yet. We order some food and our first drinks. We sit down in a booth while we wait for our food to come out. After about fifteen minutes, our friends finally get here. Kinsley gets up and hands a sash that matches hers to Ainsley and she puts it on before sitting on the inside of the booth. Another fifteen minutes mine and Kinsley's food comes out. After we eat, we go order our second drinks and go to the dance floor. After about five minutes of dancing, four guys come over and start dancing with us, but not just any guys. They are the guys from the band 5 Seconds of Summer. Are you serious right now? Out of anyone in this club, they chose to dance with us? I'm totally not fangirling, I swear.
"Hi, I'm Calum," THE Calum hood say to me.
"Hi, I'm Everleigh," I say smiling.
OMG! He talked to me! I must be dreaming.
"How often do you come here? I think I have seen you here before," Calum says.
"My friends and I come here probably like once a month," I say.
"Oh, I have probably seen you here before then. What brings you here this time," Calum asks.
"We are celebrating my best friend and her twins 23rd birthday," I say looking at Kinsley dancing with THE Ashton Irwin.
OMG! He's her favorite! I never thought this would happen to us. This is amazing!
"That sounds fun," Calum says with a smile.
"Yeah. I will be right back," I say before grabbing my drink from a counter right by where we are dancing.
"Okay," Calum says and I grab Kinsley's arm dragging her along with me.
"You will never guess who we were just dancing with and talking to," I say to our friends as we reach the table.
"Some hot guys," Emerson says.
"Well yeah but not just any hot guy," Kinsley says.
"Then who," Ainsley asks.
"Okay you will never believe this," I say.
"Just tell us who it was," Ainsley says.
"The guys from 5SOS," Kinsley screeches.
"No way," Emerson yells.
"You're kidding right," Ainsley asks.
"Not at all," I say.
"We are serious. Come dance with us and you will see for yourself," Kinsley says pulling Ainsley with her.
Ainsley almost spills her drinking grabbing it before following Kinsley. I grab Emerson's hand to get her to come with us too. She grabs her drink and follows me over to where Kinsley and Ainsley were already dancing with the boys again. As Emerson and I walk up to the group, Ainsley turns around and starts talking to THE Luke Hemmings, who happens to be her favorite. I walk back over to Calum and Emerson follows me and ends up talking to THE Michael Clifford and he is her favorite.
"Hey, I'm back," I say when I walk up to Calum.
"Hey. Where did you go," Calum asks.
"We just went to get our lazy friends," I say with a laugh.
"Oh," Calum says with a small chuckle.
We danced for like another hour before we decided to invite the boys back to our booth to hang out with us. Once were all seated, the boys went and got everyone a drink. They came back with two drinks each and one for each of them and one for each of us. Before they went to get the drinks, we told them what we wanted. We sat here talking and we got to know each of the boys very well and they got to know each of very well. After about another half hour, we got up and got another drink and then went back to the dance floor.
"I think I'm going to head home, I'm really tired," I hear Kinsley say to Ashton.
"Okay. Happy Birthday again. Text me when you get home, so I know you made it safe," Ashton says before hugging her and Kinsley walks towards me.
"Come on. Don't be lame. Stay longer," I say as Kinsley walks by me.
"I would but I'm really tired and I actually have to work tomorrow," Kinsley says.
"Fine. I love you. Make it home safe and let me know when you're home," I say.
"I love you too. I will. Do you have your house key," Kinsley asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"Okay. I will see you probably sometime tomorrow, since I will most likely be asleep when you get home," Kinsley says.
"Okay. I love you best friend," I say.
"I love you too best friend," Kinsley says before going to the bar and order some water and leaving.
Right after Kinsley left, Ashton kept checking his phone. About a half hour after Kinsley left, my phone dings signaling I have a text message. It's from Kinsley as I expected.
Kins: I made it home. I took some aspirin and I'm drinking water. I'm headed to bed though. I love you best friend. Goodnight.
Me: I love you too best friend goodnight.
"Hey, you wanna come home with me," Calum asks about an hour later.
"Sure," I say and we say bye to everyone before going to the bar to order some water and leaving.

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